Are you at @thebigdayin? Come visit the #mi9 stand at the Careers Fair and say hi to Dee, Jess, and me!
Category: Facebook Post
Archived posts from Facebook
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Altruism Autumn continues! Finally hit 10 donations today.
In progress bedroom floor!
And it’s finished! Now to paint the skirting boards and move *everything* back in…
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Residents of Ultimo: your newly cleaned street gardens are courtesy of me and @MATTN_AU picking up all the litter and ciggie butts. #cleanupaustraliaday
Naked salmon burger with sriracha mayo, broccoli slaw, and kale chips. #healthy
Someone’s birthday is tomorrow…
Before: horrible stained and very, very dusty bedroom carpet. (You won’t get the After shot until later today!)
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Having my first ever kombucha. I like it! #hipster #paleo
While officially I want to be Leslie Knope when I grow up, secretly I really want to be Jen Barkley. (Jen is The Best.)
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I ate the #fatduck sweets! My favourite was the Queen of Hearts playing card tart.
My boss @kellyandrine brought in Girl Scout Cookies. My first Samoa in like 15 years! I may have enjoyed this more than Fat Duck.
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The Melbourne Costco sells Ferris wheels!
We scrub up well.
Predinner beers.
You might wanna mute me tonight. It’s gonna be nothing but selfies and food for several hours. #fatduck
And now an aperitif. (This is the classiest place we could find in the casino.)
WE’RE HERE! It’s like Wonka’s chocolate factory already. #fatduck
Perusing the wine “list.”
It begins. And for the curious, photographs are encouraged! 🙂 #fatduck
Aperitifs… with liquid nitrogen! #fatduck
Savoury ice creams: Waldorf Rocket, Salmon roll, and Golden Gaytime (chicken liver pate with fig and roast almond). #fatduck
The Gaytime was the overall favourite. #fatduck
Yes! I can cross Snail Porridge off my bucket list. #fatduck
Roast marron with kombu and mushrooms and seaweed and a bunch of stuff I forget because it was insanely TASTY. #fatduck
Time to go to Wonderland… #fatduck
@nessnomster experiences the Sound of the Sea. #fatduck
It’s the most famous dish, and the Snook was dubious about the iPod. But afterwards… “I’ll pay that.” It worked. #fatduck
Salmon poached in liquorice gel, endives, grapefruit something, vanilla mayo, yum. (Not gonna lie – we’re getting full.) #fatduck
Salt marsh lamb, cucumber, creamy stuff… (Will to live fading…) #fatduck
…with a side of lamb consommé, mint, quinoa crackers, more lamb bits… #fatduck
We are nearly three hours in. This is the face of a very full man. #fatduck
It doesn’t look like much, but the Hot/Cold Tea was the most magical thing. The left half was cold, and the right half was hot!! #fatduck
The desserts have begun. Grapes! Jelly! Popping candy! Meringue! Cookie sand! We have all perked up. #fatduck
We finish with breakfast!
We are coming up on four hours, people. I did not expect this to be such a challenge. It’s like a food marathon. #fatduck
We got to contribute a piece to the massive jigsaw puzzle mural. #fatduck
Scrambled egg-and-bacon ice cream (made with liquid nitrogen), French toast, and marmalade. As you do. #fatduck
Four hours in… and we’re having whisky (gummies). How sophisticated. #fatduck
We end with lollies… but we’re all too full to eat them! #fatduck
So full. We made it. Thanks @nessnomster and Dan for having us along! Unforgettable night. #fatduck
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Just your average Tuesday night in the Sydney CBD.
Tonight: cask wine and a Zooper Dooper. Tomorrow: the Fat Duck, one of the best restaurants in the world. #classy
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I’ve had a lot of sugar.
It’s a Saltwater Sandal kind of party.
A fittingly disturbing cake for a 40th birthday.
As @smark31 said: “All show and no knickers.” That’s just wrong.
Sunday roast. Lamb shoulder, carrots, and sprouts courtesy of the Snook; brown butter cornbread courtesy of me and my cast iron skillet!
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It’s Korean New Year too. Saehae bok mani badeuseyo! 새해 복 많이 받으세요
Blocking. (Did I mention how annoyed I am they killed the Intarsia category at the Show?)
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Ohai. This is the best thing all week.