A fun day at the zoo!
Visiting the kangaroos in the Australian Adventure! (The Aussie wasn’t super impressed.)
Archived posts from Facebook
A fun day at the zoo!
Visiting the kangaroos in the Australian Adventure! (The Aussie wasn’t super impressed.)
Me and my beautiful Mom.
Fuelling up at my favourite gas station in the entire world!
My Mom found this old clipping. I’m sure Donna Edgar, Amy Allenspach, and Bev Snook will get a kick out of it. (Yep, I was a Hermione even at age 10!)
Watching my nephews’ Little League game tonight. (Photo–and fingers–courtesy of my niece Olivia.)
This isn’t a dog. It’s a Muppet with HUMAN EYES. #teddy
I’m evangelising Canva to the Amish of northeast Indiana.
Fun interview I participated in back in April!
When you’re in the Midwest, it’s best to just lean into it.
Home is where family BBQs include kimbap.
In love with the groovy vintage oven in my Mom’s new kitchen.
Positive life choices. #summersensation
Kristine Howard was at Reykjavik Excursions.
This was right after he admitted that “all my knowledge of the Icelandic language comes from Skyrim.” #gamerlife
I’m not sure why I was surprised that the “Bunker Hill BlueBEERY” had actual fruit in it. (The beer was ok.)
Dinner last night was at the most famous hotdog stand in Europe!
Today’s agenda: the Golden Circle. Geysers, waterfalls, tectonic plates, volcanoes… and the sky is CLEAR!
The bus today didn’t have wifi, but on the plus side the weather was AMAZING. Sunny and warm!
Gullfoss waterfall – epically beautiful.
Icelandic beer is happening. LOTS of Icelandic beer.
I went to four different Reykjavik knitting shops, but I couldn’t do it. The Lopi is just too damn itchy for me.
We’re 8 beers in. The opinions are getting more pronounced.
Whale. He went there. (Another mammal added to his Eaten List…)
Feeling very Nordic as I eat Danish in our hipster Reykjavik apartment.
Today’s agenda: we’re going here. (We’re not driving ourselves.)
A Snook and a fjord.
Me: “Look like a Viking!” Him: #thisface.
Forecast was for “sunny.” Ha.
40min hike through a lava field on the edge of the Arctic Sea = ✅
Finished the day with a White Russian. #icelandabides
So far Iceland is… grey.
Kristine Howard was at Reykjavik Excursions.
Heading to Iceland. That’s where I’m a VIKING!
Absolutely amazing dinner tonight in Reykyavik.
Brekkie this morning with Ian!
Wandering the V&A getting design inspiration. This ceiling…!
The birth of Venus (with apologies to Botticelli).
The Distillers is all renovated and hip and clean and nice AND IT’S DOING MY HEAD IN. #myoldlocal
A grey day on the Thames!
Drinks and dinner with old friends. I feel like a different person.