BRILLIANT. Every single carbon tax opponent I’ve heard from basically has “I don’t want to pay any money for anything” at the heart of their argument.
Category: Facebook Post
Archived posts from Facebook
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GREAT 2:1 run/walk with Raj. Ankle stiff at first, but overall felt 97%!
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Just sent Snookums off on a 13K run without me. Stupid ankle. I really, really wanted to go with him. 🙁
Off to the Opera House for some High Cultcha with Snookums, @mrs_sockvictim, @drkknits, and @kunaal84. Faustus, here we come!
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So I had a minor ankle sprain Friday (which is still pretty swollen) and an exploding oven on Saturday. I wonder what Sunday will bring…
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2:1 intervals with Raj, Kunaal, and Geoff. Great run!
I love it with Past Kris actually saved something that Future Kris ended up needing. Organisation skillz FTW!
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I feel like punching stuff. I suppose the gym is the best outlet, however unsatisfactory.
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Sydney: can anybody recommend a garden consultant? I want somebody to tell me what will actually grow in our space.
It appears @venks79 has announced our secret: I’m now “BA/Project Coordinator” for @mobileembrace. More skillz to learn! Wish me luck…
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Mary-Helen Ward really liked our gift. 🙂
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Very easy 2:1 run/walk with Raj, Kunaal, & Ritu!
Best of luck to JayDub Running and everyone else running in the Gold Coast Marathon this weekend! I hope to be toeing the line there myself next year. 🙂
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Playing with Google+. It’s interesting! I certainly like the emphasis on groups/circles, which I find pretty difficult to use over here on FB.
Walked to #GGDSydney!
Awesome swag bag with SWEET Geek Girl Google coffee mug! Unexpected. Thanks, sponsors! #GGDSydney
My Mom should be at #GGDSydney. She’s a girl geek (web dev, in fact), and she’s my hero.
What I would have given for NCSS or Girls Programming Network in high school… Role models are CRUCIAL. #GGDSydney
As we were leaving Google, the Yahoo decided it was finally time to troll.