The blue ribbon vest made its first appearance in Corporate Land…
Category: Facebook Post
Archived posts from Facebook
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I had just about concluded that Tegan & Sara programmed the best Rage ever. And then Like a Prayer came on and my brain exploded.
Proof that the Snook’s not the only one that cook pork belly in this house!
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Thanks, iPhone. I was trying not to think about that.
Figured it was time to start injecting some Kris Wackiness to the corporate wardrobe.
Said goodbye to the Snook for the next two weeks. Take good care of him, London! And now I’m back to being a single crazy cat lady…
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Huh. Thorin is HOT in real life.
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Nothing like staying up late to get Knitters Guild stuff done so you can go meet Thorin Oakenshield tomorrow night!
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I literally stopped dead in the street and went: “WHUT.” Oh hell yes!
In theory: cooking Smitten Kitchen’s Roast Chicken with Grapes, Olives, and Rosemary. In reality: eating handfuls of grapes.
Dinner tonight: Smitten Kitchen’s Harvest Roast Chicken with Grapes, Olives, and Rosemary. Very good!
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The Snook worked out our new media PC will run WoW. He’s fishing.
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Making nomnompaleo’s Kalua Pork. Now at 15hrs in slow cooker!
HELL YEAH. Finished Kalua Pork. I shredded it with a SPOON.
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I am the only person on my project team who doesn’t have kids. Interestingly, I’m also the only one whose weekend plans include pancakes & cartoons.
I wasn’t kidding about the pancakes and cartoons.
They make it very hard to complain about the electricity bill. #bliss
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Heading to the Opera house to see Tegan & Sara! Me: “There will be a lot of lesbians.” Snook: “I like lesbians. We share a lot of the same interests.”
Tegan & Sara were FANTASTIC, even if they didn’t play my fave (“I Know I Know I Know”). They brought the house down with”Closer”. #dancetime