tldr; Yoda cheated.
These are the people I work with. So honoured to be included! (And I’m doing a very silly pose in my photo.)
Being friends with an artist means you get wedding invitations that you are tempted to frame. @crumpart
Archived posts from Facebook
tldr; Yoda cheated.
These are the people I work with. So honoured to be included! (And I’m doing a very silly pose in my photo.)
Being friends with an artist means you get wedding invitations that you are tempted to frame. @crumpart
Big Cake Bake for the Red Cross! I made a pseudo-cherpumple with apple and berry pie inside. It weighed a ton.
The Wow! Scarf revealed…
Home from #knitcamp2015. It was so nice meeting @annbuddknits! See you all in two years…
My “cakes” for the Red Cross Big Cake Bake tomorrow.
You can smell the serenity. #nofilter #knitcamp2015
I won Silk & Yak wool in the #knitcamp2015 lucky dip!
Just in time for Frocktober! No more diagonal mirror selfies.
The intrepid technology staff at #knitcamp2015.
Electric ball winder action selfie with Aunty Toots! #knitcamp2015
Nutella dessert pizza with banana and marshmallows and Oreos. So wrong. So good. #knitcamp2015
It was like 45min of deep-frying… but SO WORTH IT.
I love it when a plan comes together.
Today’s @canvavibe lunch is my special request, so I thought it only fair that I bake the cornbread.
Nice interview with Canva’s CPO Cameron…
I’m thrilled that we now have a woman on the Canva engineering team. I’m even more thrilled that it’s me.
The great @guykawasaki kicking off tonight’s #canvatech event!
Patrick Lee explaining “pegs on the bottom,” a concept taken from Disney animation. Fast feedback! #canvatech
Now for @julio_ody talking about React and Backbone. (We need a Britney mike so speakers can have both hands free!) #canvatech
Kristine Howard shared a link.
Hey look, a cameo by @delitescere in Chris Doble’s talk! #canvatech
Wired for Wonder! (@ National Institute of Dramatic Arts (NIDA) in Kensington, NSW)
My latest geeky knitting creation is nearly complete!
The best way to recover from #canvahackathon: red velvet pancakes!
Local colour spotted in Ultimo today.
Full write-up about Canva’s first hackathon and the Comma Club Cushion I made for it (including what the hell the commas were about, in case you’re wondering).