Awww yeah, the High Life. I crushed it (after I drank it).
Visited Grandma and Grandpa Harter this morning!
Archived posts from Facebook
Awww yeah, the High Life. I crushed it (after I drank it).
Visited Grandma and Grandpa Harter this morning!
Everybody in Michiana keeps raving about Rise’n Roll donuts, so we had them for breakfast. Good grief. My heartbeat is RACING. #puresugar
Winter storm Draco was a dud, but Euclid is pounding us. The kids love it though.
Everybody knows tigers like to warm their tummies by the fire!
More present opening! I got a tailor’s ham, which coincidentally is EXACTLY what I asked for!
Iron-Man and Optimus Prime are facing off.
It has begun. Watching Ralphie in my Ralphie jammies, sipping on spiked eggnog.
Happy Christmas! A beautiful sunrise here in Indiana.
Merry Christmas! Wait – there are going to be HOW MANY kids and dogs here today?! Bring on the nog!
Just a boy, a book, his tiger, and his pretty proud aunt.
This is Teddy. 25% dog, 75% Muppet.
Three hours til the Ralphie marathon begins. It’s all about Ralphie. (Also, I may have had too much egg nog.)
The Snook got me earrings. Discovered that my upper piercing is still good after like 10 years!
Belly stuffed, glass of wine, snuggled on the couch in front of a crackling fire, waiting for the snow to start. This is good.
Ha. Since it’s gone live, I can reveal the true meaning behind my office “Google whore” award at Christmas! I’m the featured representative of @Sitback on the Google Apps customers page. 🙂
Winter is here! Amazing view to wake up to. Not a blizzard though.
The snow is already melting. Draco, I am disappoint.
We saw the Space Shuttle today! Lots of space geek fun was had.
Every time I fly out of LAX I forget how awful it is. Amy Carbo – make sure you leave plenty of time. Even with online checkin, we waited half an hour to drop off our bags. And then security took forever. But we’re finally here and ready to board. MIDWEST – ARE YOU READY FOR THIS?
They named the impending storm WINTER STORM DRACO. I am serious. It’s on the news and everything. Hahaha…
It is frickin’ freezing in LA tonight. We almost broke out our heavy winter coats and we’re not even in Indiana yet. Also, my Dad called to gleefully tell us about the snowstorm forecast for Friday there. He used the words “Arctic blast.” We get there Thursday morning. Crap.
Being silly at the La Brea Tar Pits!
Somehow only one kid managed to get tar on himself, and it was the oldest one.
Penn is really good at Angry Birds. These kids!