Thank you ladies for a lovely weekend. Just what I needed!
Category: Facebook Post
Archived posts from Facebook
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Mark it – 1:32pm is when the first alcohol came out for the day. (Thanks @ailsad!)
Two repeats down!
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Packing for a knitters’ weekend away is serious business.
My badass crew. I’ve been waiting for this moment for six months. #unleashthelemur
You know things are getting Serious when head lamps are involved.
I was the last knitter standing, and I’m happy to report that the error is now FIXED. Onwards! #lemurpower
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Today’s amazing lunch: BBQ pork ribs, Song style.
I’m going to be speaking at the July Food Tech Aus meetup on using content and design to grow your startup!
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Made another batch of coconut milk yogurt last night. Turned out great!
I work here. It’s awesome. Let me know if you want to work here too!
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“tldr; I was successful in moments I quit being a nice girl and started becoming a monster.” Words to live by!
One week so far at Canva, and today I got to write content for an email going out to 2.6M people. Eep!
NOOOOOO. Do you see it? Whole night’s work RUINED. #fml #frogit
Can’t believe I waited this long into winter to bust out the coloured tights! @welovecolors
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Arduino Workshop on June 23rd! Can’t wait. I’ve got two kits at home that I haven’t been brave enough to crack open yet. HARDWARE HACKING, HERE I COME.
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How did I miss that it’s 1995 week on the AV Club?!
This is not going well for me.
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I’m going to have to stop mocking Surry Hills hipsters now, aren’t I?
Free ice cream! Thank you @benandjerrysoz!
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CycleHack Sydney is coming up June 19-21. Help think of ideas to address barriers to cycling!