Category: Facebook Post

Archived posts from Facebook

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    Less than 48hrs left in the US. Tomorrow back to Chicago, then flying on Thurs. Get home on Sat. DIDYA MISS US, SYDNEY?!

    Check out the 6.40 km run I did with RunKeeper – Ran on the stupid treadmill. At least I got it done!

    Prop 8 overturned in California. Yay! Snook and I shall spend some $ in LA tomorrow celebrating. 🙂

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    Safely made 6hr drive to Wisconsin today! Snook and I are now enjoying beer and cheese curds in Madison. House on the Rock tomorrow!!

    The House on the Rock is everything we hoped…

    This morning, I guessed there was a 30% chance of the House on the Rock being awesome, and a 70% chance of it royally sucking. I’m thrilled to report it was just as weird and interesting (and at times, overwhelming) as I’d hoped. We loved it. Man, my legs are tired though. Took us 4.5hrs to go through, and then we had a 2hr tour at Taliesin. We’re WRECKED.

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    I introduced Isaiah to chocolate pudding.

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    Just completed a 10.05 km run with RunKeeper – Fantastic run/walk around Syracuse Lake with Snook. Felt great!

    Snookums caught me a delicious bass!

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    Grandma and Isaiah pretend to ride the 4-wheeler.

    Rodd, Ant, and Isaiah go fishin’.

    Is there a Flickr group for people reenacting their own Threadless shirts? Because Snookums needs to be in it.

    Perfect end to a boy’s birthday: FIREWORKS!

    Industrial design grooviness. This is from the “NuTone” intercom system in my Dad’s kitchen:

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    All tucked in at my Dad and Cindy’s new lake house. It’s amazing! I absolutely love everything they did to it. Our guest room is like a B&B. Plus – a real bed! After surfing air mattresses most of the trip, this is most welcome. 🙂


    Preparing for Snook’s birthday party. My Dad got him a “Mini Bomb.” (Seriously. Out-of-state fireworks FTW.)

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    Just completed a 6.72 km run with RunKeeper – Sore. Hot. Foot aching a bit. Not great, but I got it done.

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    My love of Amish cooking is being sorely tested by the kid at the next table wearing the Creation Museum t-shirt. Ahh, Middlebury.

    Storm came through again! Lots of rain.

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    Today the Snook and I hit Old Navy. Hard. Good thing we brought an extra suitcase! Now all cosy in Uncle Ron’s guest room / man cave.

    The red pants were $8 on sale. He got them because, yes, he’s actively TRYING to dress like Sheldon Cooper now.

    Check out the 6.40 km run I did with RunKeeper – Easy recovery. 2mi out in the sun; 2mi on treadmill inside. Sore from the race.

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    W00t! Finished 6th out of 16 in my age group! Top 50%!!