Peter from Masterchef is here! Eating 7ft away!!
Category: Facebook Post
Archived posts from Facebook
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Just became a fan of Cody Simpson on GetUpGo
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Just completed a 5.43 km run with RunKeeper – Foot pain: 2/10. Niggle in rt knee. Cold!!
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Just completed a 5.41 km run with RunKeeper – So, so cold. Saw actual frost. Lots of mucus.
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Just completed a 5.91 km run with RunKeeper – Right foot pain: 7/10. :(.
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New cooktop and oven are coming! Frantically cleaning kitchen in preparation. This past week has been devoted to listing all the things we’re gonna cook on it. First up: steak dinner.
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Why does Facebook mysteriously leave posts off my News Feed? My Mom posted 39 minutes ago about her tornado damage, but it doesn’t show up. VERY FRUSTRATING.
Fun night at @webblastsyd with @kunaal84, @shanea, @TimBags, @Steffi_83, @misswired, @Alegrya, @toastman, and more… Good to see you all!
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The Narcissist. Heh.
Check out the blog I just found on GetUpGo!
Started the morning with a cup of Obama blend: Now I’m ready to welcome Australia’s 1st female Prime Minister!
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Happy Father’s Day to my Dad, my stepdad Joe, my brother Anthony Howard, and my brother-in-law Daniel Carbo. You guys are all awesome Dads!
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Check out the 10.96 km run I did with RunKeeper