Category: Facebook Post

Archived posts from Facebook

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    It always freaks me out for a while when he does this. #rockabillysnook

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    New dress, properly styled. Just need to learn to apply makeup and I’ll look like a proper grown-up! @ Chippendale

    I had an awesome dream last night that NASA selected me to be an astronaut on a moon trip. I was actually disappointed when I woke up.

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    New dress from Heartbreaker. Hello, sweetheart!

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    Some days this city just spoils you. @ Observatory Park

    Went to a lot of trouble this morning to get client a file that she wanted, and she replied, “Thanks Karen.” Isn’t it always the way…

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    Dinner Tonight: IRISH! Homemade Corned Beef & Cabbage, Cauli Mash, Glazed Turnips, Horseradish Cream.

    Jameson & Ginger. For a classy St. Patrick’s Day. #enjoyingthis

    We partied like Baratheons, yo.

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    Another 100+ page spec in the bag. I fear I will develop a reputation.

    Happy birthday to me! New necklace + scarf courtesy of Ma Snook. @ Gastro parK

    Kylie and I dressed in black, in honour of the Night’s Watch. (Jon Snow is our boyfriend.)

    Thank you to everybody who left me birthday wishes! (I just wish Facebook wasn’t broken so that I could actually read them.)

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    Spotted in Paints Lane, Chippo. #unexpected #prettiness @ Chippendale

    Birthday plans: Work from home, get injection at doctor, discuss kitchen with builder. Then – GAME OF THRONES DINNER!

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    Putting the finishing touches on the longest Func Spec I’ve written in the shortest amount of time. 118 pages. I’m wiped out.

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    Slower on account of the 4kg of frozen brisket I was carrying for Kev. Yes, really. .

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    Time to fill up our big new freezer! Rode to Alexandria and bought a lot of MEAT. @ Establishment 218

    New personal best for commute!