Category: Facebook Post

Archived posts from Facebook

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    Final IIBA study group tonight – and I got 41/50 on my final test! Best in the class! Too bad I’m not a BA anymore. #hermione

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    Really missing Amy Carbo and Anthony Howard right about now!

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    Pacific Rim: EXCELLENT. Robots, monsters, kickass Mako Mori, Idris Elba’s butt, but also the WORST Australian accents ever committed to film. My nephew Kurt said: “I can’t even understand them!” Word.

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    There is a Calder in front of my new office. This pleases me immensely.

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    I have been assimilated.

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    Most of my family back in Indiana have deer heads on their walls. This is my artsy Inner West Sydney version of that.

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    It just occurred to me that this is the first job I’ve ever had that related to my actual degree. Only took 14 years! Time to write that long awaited smug update for the alumni magazine…

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    Portrait of a sad hipster whose iPhone won’t charge.

    Shhh! I’m subverting the knitting weekend by doing patchwork!

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    I bought onesie pyjamas. For me. With sentient xylophones. #gianthipsterbaby

    The Snook said: “It’s not as sexy as I expected.” #understatementoftheyear

    Patriotic whoopie pies! Thank you #silpat and #kitchenaid !

    I think I’m packed for the weekend away. Two knitting projects, some patchwork, whoopie pies, toothbrush, wine, and MAH ONESIE. #beprepared

    Woohoo! Giant deer art finally arrived from Temple and Webster! I think we’ll probably hang it off-center to the right?

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    New Job Day 1: LOVING IT. Loving it for the superficial reasons (casual dress, having a desk, being able to check my Gmail at work, listening to music), but also feeling really inspired about the role and what my team is working on. If there’s a Venn diagram of the stuff I’ve done, the stuff I’m good at, and the stuff I enjoy – I think I may have finally found the overlapping bit in the middle.

    KitchenAid + Silpat = 21st century Snickerdoodles!