Just completed a 5.87 km run with RunKeeper – Impromptu running group with Raj, Josh, and Kunaal!
Category: Facebook Post
Archived posts from Facebook
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Whoa, neat! My podcast got reviewed!
Just completed a 6.01 km run with RunKeeper – Nice slow evening run with Snookums. Legs are SORE from Spudds.
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I sent in my letter. Here’s the “personal text” part I put in the middle:
“My husband and I are married. We are not religious and we don’t belong to any church. We don’t plan on having any children. Why were we allowed to get married when other couples, who happen to be gay, are not? It’s just not fair. We believe all committed and loving couples should be able to have their marriages recognised in the same way by the state.”
It’s a measure of how long I’ve been living in this bloody country that I actually consider a $10 Halloween pumpkin to be a “bargain.”
Decorating me and @thezedmiester’s desks for Halloween. Note the skeleton garland in the background!
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Just completed a 6.09 km run with RunKeeper – 4x400m speed intervals again. Slower & harder; allergies making it hard to breathe. Foot sore.
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Sometimes it’s nice to appreciate what a beautiful city we have to run in…
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A terrible night’s sleep followed by a morning downpour and a headache. It’s going to be That Sort of day.
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Just completed a 10.02 km run with RunKeeper – Ran w/ Snook on a BEAUTIFUL day. Seem to have pulled my rt quad tho. Hurts a little.
My first ever homemade scones are baking! http://bit.ly/cwNGwF Cheddar & Apple! Recipe is from Smitten Kitchen: http://bit.ly/91Iue4
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Just completed a 5.44 km run with RunKeeper – Warm-up, 4 x 400m speed intervals w/ jogging recovery, cool down. Felt good!
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Just completed a 6.00 km run with RunKeeper – Nice and easy. A little sore from Spudds, and it’s a warm day. Went slow.
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Just completed a 10.01 km run with RunKeeper – Holy crap! I may have just PRed in the #WWFOR!!
Finished my #WWFOR 10K in 69:22. (Missed my PR by 13s!) Thanks to @JayDub and @kunaal84 for pacing me!
Celebratory #WWFOR Sam Adams! @steverunner, this is for you! @JayDubRunning @eobeara @jasnavodka http://twitpic.com/2w6xs2
Me, Eoin, Andrew, and Jaydub enjoying an ice cold Sam Adams after today’s Worldwide Festival of Races event in Sydney.
Homemade Jaeger Schnitzel with peas and (IKEA) rosti. Discovery: when I cook mushrooms, I actually like them!