Artisanal hipster checked shirt in progress, beard not included.
Sleeves added with flat fell seams. Sewing? THIS IS TAILORING, DAMMIT.
Archived posts from Facebook
Artisanal hipster checked shirt in progress, beard not included.
Sleeves added with flat fell seams. Sewing? THIS IS TAILORING, DAMMIT.
Snap purchase decision: what say you, Internet? I’ve been coveting brogues!
I made Alton Brown’s Cocoa Brownies… kind of.
I look like a freakish Eliza Doolittle. I hate the steamer.
What. The. Hell. Katherine turned me into a red-headed ROCK STAR.
Peanut Butter Rice Krispie Treats are pretty much the best thing ever.
American friends – any of you members of HBO Go and wouldn’t mind letting me use your login? I just want to have a look and get some screenshots. Won’t even watch anything. 🙂
Final IIBA study group tonight – and I got 41/50 on my final test! Best in the class! Too bad I’m not a BA anymore. #hermione
Really missing Amy Carbo and Anthony Howard right about now!
Pacific Rim: EXCELLENT. Robots, monsters, kickass Mako Mori, Idris Elba’s butt, but also the WORST Australian accents ever committed to film. My nephew Kurt said: “I can’t even understand them!” Word.
There is a Calder in front of my new office. This pleases me immensely.
I have been assimilated.
Most of my family back in Indiana have deer heads on their walls. This is my artsy Inner West Sydney version of that.
It just occurred to me that this is the first job I’ve ever had that related to my actual degree. Only took 14 years! Time to write that long awaited smug update for the alumni magazine…