The Nag’s Head is surprisingly packed on this cold and rainy night. Dinner w/ Snook & @eileenDCoE, then Sampson & Sharkey time!
Got S&S to play Psycho Killer. “I hate people when they’re not polite.” Best night ever.
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The Nag’s Head is surprisingly packed on this cold and rainy night. Dinner w/ Snook & @eileenDCoE, then Sampson & Sharkey time!
Got S&S to play Psycho Killer. “I hate people when they’re not polite.” Best night ever.
Just completed a 4.33 km run with RunKeeper
Final tally of Knitting Camp weekend: more than six hours on the train; two socks half-knitted; two runs; two yoga classes; two bottles of wine drunk; one class taught; one class attended; one presentation given; one Huntsman spider squealed at; and about ten kangaroos spotted. And several new friends made!
“Man, I missed our bed. I can’t sleep in other beds.” “Next week you’ll be sleepin’ in a sack in the desert!” Crap.
Just completed a 3.90 km run with RunKeeper
Great 1st day at knitting camp. Taught my class, ran, saw roos, knitted, did yoga, drank wine. Looking forward yo tomorrow.
Just completed a 4.13 km run with RunKeeper
This is too much stress going into a 3 day weekend. My stomach is starting to hurt.
Just completed a 4.30 km run with RunKeeper
The Inner City group of the NSW Knitters Guild will be providing free “Learn to Knit” demonstrations all day!
Spent most of the night prepping for my talk to 120 third graders tomorrow. I am ridiculously nervous.
Just completed a 4.28 km run with RunKeeper