Category: Facebook Post

Archived posts from Facebook

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    This Oxford comma business is the most unsettling thing I’ve heard all day. This pedant won’t be changing a damn thing! #oxfordcomma4life

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    Great run w/ @rajsingh2505! Fast pace, but had to walk a bit due to back pain.

    Nothing like an implied threat from a straight-up crazy person to get the adrenaline flowing!

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    SMASHED IT at Spudds tonight. 103m & 100m on the rower, and I went last!

    I had a case of the Monday doldrums today, so I wanted to use this workout to break free. I smashed it! Pushed myself hard on just about everything: spin bikes, climber, treadmill, weights, squats, elliptical, everything. I was LAST in the rotation for the rowing machine, which I usually try to avoid as a double-hundred is hard enough when I’m fresh (let alone 35 minutes into the class). But I KICKED ITS ASS ANYWA…

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    Excellent 2:1 run with the Snook through Darling Harbour, Rocks, and CBD.

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    Fantastic dinner at Vanguard. Now just waiting for pole-dancing Boba Fett. (Sadly, probably not. I don’t see a pole.)

    Cantina Band. This is already the Best Thing Ever.

    Holy crap. Sexy Slave Leia swung on a chain over our table. Also gave Snook a lap dance in audience. NOT KIDDING.

    Sexy Jedi vs Sexy Dark Lord of the Sith.

    Sexy Jedi vs Sexy Dark Lord of the Sith.

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    Went for a run with Raj. Included 4 x 200m hill repeats on Cathedral Street. Felt so slow, and yet my lungs were BURNING.

    Kunaal was a little surprised by his iced green tea cappuccino at Ichiban Boshi.

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    Started strong but faded a bit. Sore from Spudds last night.

    Current musical obsession: The Whitlams’ “Buy Now Pay Later.” Five more repeats and I’ll qualify as clinically depressed, YET I CAN’T STOP.

    Finally changed iPhone to use British spellings. My brain now uses “-ise”, and I’m tired of autocorrect changing to “-ize.” #assimilated

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    Easy 4K w/ Snook – no walking. Felt great!

    GOOD GRIEF. Out of 101 finishers at Macleay Marathon, 23 people BQed. That’s crazy, right? I *really* don’t feel bad about coming last now.

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    Happy birthday Donna!

    Wonder Woman lippie twins!

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    Attempted to call the parentals in an effort to delay going for my first post-marathon run. No answer. Guess I’m going to have to run.

    First post-marathon run. Nice & easy!

    Awesome. Just made plans with @gadgetgirl70 to see Dolly Parton in Sydney in November. Our tour of the Great Gay Icons continues…