A hard earned thirst needs a big cold beer. http://twitpic.com/gjm4g (Nag’s Head, Glebe)
Category: Facebook Post
Archived posts from Facebook
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Mentally preparing myself for a very early trip to Flemington Markets tomorrow to get gardening supplies…
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No one should die because they cannot afford health care, and no one should go broke because they get sick. (I have a family member in the US that has just had several major surgeries and no health insurance… so this is less of an academic position for me at the moment.)
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is feeling much better. My doc put her foot down though and made me withdraw from the Half-Marathon. That kinda sucks. Four months of training ruined by a stupid chest cold.
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Doctor says it could be whooping cough. I’m getting tested tomorrow. If you’ve been around me in the past week and you feel sick at all, please see your GP. (Especially if you have kids!)
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is wondering if I have pneumonia. I wish I was joking.
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I have been informed that when workmen are around, the lady of the house is meant to offer them tea and coffee. Sure, whatever.
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ate abalone and shark fin and lobster and lots of other weird-but-tasty dishes last night… AND LIVED!
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All dressed up for Steph and Eva’s wedding. What a beautiful day! Congratulations to both of them. 🙂
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People always ask me what I miss from the U.S. You know what I miss? Jumbo bottles of pain reliever. You can go into any Wal-Mart in America and pay, like, $7 for 500 ibuprofen. Here the biggest package I can find is 24. (The Snook says it’s to keep people from using them to commit suicide.) It’s really annoying.