If you spot a hipster-shaped mushroom cloud over Chippo tonight, it’s because I’m playing the Moldy Peaches (Juno soundtrack) on my uke.
Current forecast for next Sunday: 19C / 65F and rain. Lots of rain. This is going to suck.
Archived posts from Facebook
If you spot a hipster-shaped mushroom cloud over Chippo tonight, it’s because I’m playing the Moldy Peaches (Juno soundtrack) on my uke.
Current forecast for next Sunday: 19C / 65F and rain. Lots of rain. This is going to suck.
Good luck to everybody running in the Sunburst tomorrow, especially my Mom Susan Garberick and her husband Joe. They’re going to be doing their first ever 10K race, and I just know they’re going to do AWESOME!
AWESOME. Just hacked my old’n’busted Nike water belt into new super awesome utility water belt. This is what BATMAN wears when he runs…
Tonight’s Jamie meal: Rib-Eye Stir-Fry w/ Dan Dan Noodles & Chilled Hibicus Tea in 30:16! Tasty but SPICY.
Ten-day forecasts are crap, right? Because this is bumming me out: http://www.weatherchannel.com.au/WeatherMap#NSW/Mid-North-Coast/SOUTH-WEST-ROCKS. (I really, really don’t want to run in cold rain.)
Nice easy lunchtime run at 2:1 intervals. Beautiful day! I ran with Venks, Raj, and Kunaal.
“Oh Margie… You came and you brought me a turkey…” (Damn you, Sean Chadwick.) #earworm
Zen run! No intervals, no headphones. Just ran, taking a few walk breaks where I felt like it. :).
Phil, everybody’s dotty uncle…
It’s 12 days from the marathon and taper paranoia is setting in. It doesn’t help that it’s been pouring rain. I worry with every step that I’m going to slip and fall down on wet pavement. I stare at my feet as I walk, dreading an ankle roll or a knee twist. On the bus, I shrink back as the girl in front of me hacks and coughs. Can’t I just work from home for the next week and a half?
Kristine Howard posted something via Flipboard.
As requested, my new sunnies. And Sydney’s crappy weather.
How fun! Just recorded an episode of the Slow Runners Club as a special guest with @zenrunner and @edmarathon. Thanks, guys! 🙂
Solo 2:1 R/W at lunch. Felt great! Picked up the pace a little. .
Nice 2:1 R/W with the Snook. A bit crampy; too many beers last night!
This is me and the iPad2, which I named Marmoset. (We have a monkey naming scheme.)
Okay, I’m obsessed with Marmoset (the new iPad). App recommendations? I already got Flipboard and it’s UH-MAZING. Also downloading Sword and Sworcery as we speak…