Category: Facebook Post

Archived posts from Facebook

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    Had a beautiful chicken salad down at Toby’s, where all the beautiful people come to get coffee, on a beautiful autumn Sydney day.

    Playing Guitar Hero in the Xbox lounge at Microsoft’s Australian headquarters. I brought K-boy as my guest for Geek Girl Dinner ( There was a shocking lack of free beer at first, but that was soon rectified. Oh, and we built stuff with Lego.

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    Me blowing past a couple guys with strollers in the Mother’s Day Classic 8K.

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    I don’t drive so I never listen to current radio. Just discovered Eric Hutchinson’s “Rock and Roll” and LOVE IT. What else is like this?

    Got email from web host warning that my blog exceeded monthly bandwidth limit by 2 MILLION MB. Uh, no. Server reporting fail.

    Any Sydney knitters free Friday morning? Channel 7 needs 3-4 people to be knitting in the background on a new show. Contact me for details.

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    Got a fake domain renewal bill from today. I love that they assume I’m stupid enough to pay them 3x what I pay Idiots.

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    Before the Mother’s Day Classic, standing in front of the Art Gallery of NSW in the rain.

    After the Mother’s Day Classic, waiting for the bus on George Street… in the rain. I met my goal of running the whole 8K without stopping in under an hour!

    “I’d be wary about us designing our own house. It could have a high potential to turn out like Homer’s car.” – The Snook

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    I ran for the first time in a week today, 5k at an easy pace. I feel fantastic! I’m optimistic about a good finish in the 8k race on Sunday.

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    Currently drinking my first Mountain Dew in… god… YEARS. My taste buds are saying “no” but my brain is saying OHHHH YEAHHHHHH.

    When I listen to James, suddenly I’m a 20-year-old uni student in London all over again…

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    Bram Stoker’s novel Dracula posted in real-time in blog format. Epistolary novels FTW!

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    The heavens have opened. Thunder CRASH! Lighting FLASH!