First pavlova of Spring, courtesy of our neighbour Marlene. It was delicious!
Category: Facebook Post
Archived posts from Facebook
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Adventures in paleo: camel burgers! (Found them at our normal Coles in the game section, if you can believe it.) Tasty.
She’s got Honi Soit students talking about the vulva cover. Quoth the Snook: “Kids are awesome.”
F*ck yeah, science!
Old people hiding in the back…
It doesn’t matter if you want it back, you’ve given it away. You’ve given it away. (She played my favourite song.)
Amanda covered Smells Like Teen Spirit. It RULED. Only marred by the fact that half the audience thinks of it as an “oldie.”
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Katherine always makes me look way more stylish than I actually am.
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Google really do give the best swag at their conferences. #respect
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Said @jpofoz this morning: “Look what you made me do!” #liberty #everwhere
Happy to report Petey is back from vet and on the mend. What a funny.
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Thinking all good thoughts in the world as my sister Amy Carbo and brother-in-law Daniel Carbo head to the hospital for the birth of their third child!
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The only streaming radio I could find of the ND-Michigan game is on a Michigan website.
I feel dirty.
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A lady in the voting queue asked me where I got my awesome shirt. “I MADE IT!”
I bought some lovely earrings today at Sew Make Create! #peacocks
Inspired by @zenasmithwhite: my own sad election night selfie. Very sad, indeed.
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We don’t have a coffee machine, but the massage chairs almost make up for it. #bliss
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Best part of my training session today!
Well, OF COURSE I’m gonna pair the Liberty Vans with my Sentient Xylophones Onesie. #headsasploding