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    Awesome. I had forgotten what a fantastic song “All Through the Night” is. Cyndi’s Betty Boop voice (and that whole WWF thing in the 80’s) rather hid the fact that she was such an amazing singer.

    Wishing I could give hugs to all my family back home on this sad, cold night. The cat will have to do.

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    #43 on RS’s list of “Women Who Rock.” I got this album when it came out and I think I enjoyed it more then. Now I find the classroom interludes a little annoying. I do love the laid back groove though, and “To Zion” is just one of the prettiest songs to a child that’s ever been written.

    #42 on RS’s list of “Women Who Rock”. Whoa. I was evidently a big Linda Ronstadt fan as a kid, because I flipped out when I heard “You’re No Good” and “When Will I Be Loved.” I knew all the words! Those songs rock.

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    #46 on RS’s list of “Women Who Rock”. Actually the album is meant to be “Hot, Cool and Vicious” but Spotify doesn’t have it available. Instead I listened to this, which appears to be a Greatest Hits compilation. I wasn’t a huge hip-hop fan in high school, but I did like SNP. (I remember vastly preferring them to the annoying TLC, who many girls in my class liked.) I had the CD singles for “Shoop” and “Whatta Man” pretty much memorised. I liked their sense of humour and their politics. “Let’s Talk About Sex” is just such a perfect bit of early 90’s music and activism, isn’t it?

    #45 on RS’s list of “Women Who Rock.” While I’m sure there are those rolling their eyes, I really like Taylor Swift. She’s a pretty, pretty princess, she plays the guitar, and she writes catchy songs about liking boys. There’s nothing wrong with that!

    #44 on RS’s list of “Women Who Rock.” I don’t think I had ever heard any of these songs before. It’s not really my thing, but I like the rhythms. The “Christine” song freaked me out when I heard my own name being repeated.

    Butternut Squash Soup with Star Anise and Ginger Prawns.

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    #49 on RS’s list of Greatest Albums from “Women Who Rock.” I discovered the Breeders when I happened to catch the video for “Cannonball” late one night on MTV (maybe “120 Minutes”?) in high school, and I was hooked. I bought the tape and I still know all the words 19 years later. I remember being amused at “Drivin’ On 9”, because I actually had to drive to high school along State Road 9. I also bought a Breeders T-shirt that I have carried with me across several continents, and that I only just reluctantly stopped wearing (because it’s full of holes – don’t worry; I’m making it into a quilt). The Breeders are also the only artists on the list who I’ve actually MET. The day Kim and Kelley Deal wandered into my knitting shop on Sydney was seriously one of the coolest days in my whole time there. Rock on, Deal sisters.

    #48 on RS’s list of “Women Who Rock”. My only experience with Bonnie’s discography was her later Top 40 stuff, so this early blues was a revelation. She sounds so young! It’s definitely not what I expected, with some of the songs having a Dixieland feel to them. (Snook: “How can it be ‘rock’ when it was a clarinet solo?!”) The album inspired me to read up on Bonnie, where I learned how respected she is as a slide guitarist. The Snook informs me that there’s even a Unix utility named after her. (Me: “What does it do?” Him: “Identify bottlenecks.” Me: “Heh.”)

    #47 from RS’s “Women Who Rock” list. I’d heard of Lucinda Williams but never really listened to her. After going through this album a couple times, I’m kicking myself. I need to listen to it about 50 more times until these songs become a part of me. So good.

    Paper Dolls (Jacket) blocking. Might need to stretch the yoke even more…

    Scrubbed all the baseboards. Washed and ironed the curtains. Cleaned the windows. Bought a screen door at Bunnings. 21 days til Mom’s visit!

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    The purple streaks didn’t actually take. I suspect my Mom telepathically sabotaged the enterprise. #stillblonde

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    Discussed with osteo the possibility of having a PRP injection for my tendonitis. Anybody had one in Australia? Get good results? (All I know from researching is that Tiger Woods had four and they think it’s better than cortisone for tendon injuries.)

    I’ve decided to work my way through Rolling Stone’s list of top 50 albums from “Women Who Rock”. This was #50. I don’t think I’ve actually listened to this since college, when (confession) I pretty much had it memorised. In fact, freshman year I went on a road trip to Michigan to see Alanis in concert. Listening to these songs reminds me of who I was back then. They’re very much of that time period, aren’t they? I feel the need to put on some flannel…

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    Zucchini bread. Co-workers: you can thank me in the morning.

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    Nathan had to be That Guy. The one who orients the 24″ widescreen monitor vertically so he can see 200 lines of code at once.

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    Reason #319 I love working in the Rocks: business meetings that involve pork pies in front of the fireplace at the Lord Nelson.

    Nearly forgot: this is the other vintage dress I got on the weekend. I like it!

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    Listening to random classical music while getting some work done, and this came on. “HEY! THIS IS THE SONG MARY BENNETT PLAYS AT NETHERFIELD THAT EMBARRASSES EVERYONE!”

    Huh. And this one is the theme to the Antiques Roadshow. I didn’t realise I recognised so much Handel!

    Mmm, hot choc and raisin roast. Giving blood earns one a Free Carb Pass, I always feel.