Category: Facebook Post

Archived posts from Facebook

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    He got us matching Cambridge Satchels, and they’re EMBOSSED! #hipster #squee

    My other pressie – a T-shirt from the London Google office. 🙂

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    Power suit and eyeliner. YOU’RE FIRED.

    If I were a Dick Tracy villain, my name would be Carb-Face.

    A beardy hipster in a handknit cardy riding a share bike through London. *swoon*

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    Hermione won a prize for participation. 🙂

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    Well, it’s Mother’s Day in Australia. Love you, Mom!

    What else would you wear to see the new Star Trek movie? #livelongandprosper

    Another Monday, another mass shooting, another day of incredulous Aussies asking me if everyone in the US really is a gun-toting nutbar.

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    This is civilised.

    Every time I see one of these businesses, I think of Eileen Dunne and her irrational hatred of them.

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    They’re putting out flowers for the Buddha’s birthday.

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    It felt like the day for purple tights.

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    The blue ribbon vest made its first appearance in Corporate Land…

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    I had just about concluded that Tegan & Sara programmed the best Rage ever. And then Like a Prayer came on and my brain exploded.

    Proof that the Snook’s not the only one that cook pork belly in this house!

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    Thanks, iPhone. I was trying not to think about that.

    Figured it was time to start injecting some Kris Wackiness to the corporate wardrobe.

    Said goodbye to the Snook for the next two weeks. Take good care of him, London! And now I’m back to being a single crazy cat lady…