Category: Facebook Post

Archived posts from Facebook

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    Huh. Thorin is HOT in real life.

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    Nothing like staying up late to get Knitters Guild stuff done so you can go meet Thorin Oakenshield tomorrow night!

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    I literally stopped dead in the street and went: “WHUT.” Oh hell yes!

    In theory: cooking Smitten Kitchen’s Roast Chicken with Grapes, Olives, and Rosemary. In reality: eating handfuls of grapes.

    Dinner tonight: Smitten Kitchen’s Harvest Roast Chicken with Grapes, Olives, and Rosemary. Very good!

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    The Snook worked out our new media PC will run WoW. He’s fishing.

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    Making nomnompaleo’s Kalua Pork. Now at 15hrs in slow cooker!

    HELL YEAH. Finished Kalua Pork. I shredded it with a SPOON.

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    I am the only person on my project team who doesn’t have kids. Interestingly, I’m also the only one whose weekend plans include pancakes & cartoons.

    I wasn’t kidding about the pancakes and cartoons.

    They make it very hard to complain about the electricity bill. #bliss

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    Heading to the Opera house to see Tegan & Sara! Me: “There will be a lot of lesbians.” Snook: “I like lesbians. We share a lot of the same interests.”

    Tegan & Sara were FANTASTIC, even if they didn’t play my fave (“I Know I Know I Know”). They brought the house down with”Closer”. #dancetime

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    Things that are cheering me up tonight: Reese’s PB egg, cats, and digging the heater out of the storage cupboard.

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    Broke out the knitting for the first time at the new job. Not too many strange stares in the communal kitchen, thankfully!

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    Somehow in the past 5 years I went from the girl who rarely wore dresses to the girl that now owns over 25 of them. Weird. I feel quite certain that Bex Hulands was involved, probably invoked some sort of Vintage Frock Curse.