Coles price their cauliflower by the each. Haha, suckers! #biggerthanmyhead
Category: Facebook Post
Archived posts from Facebook
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A blonde walked in and a redhead walked out…
New dress is finished, except for the hem. Verdict – hoochie enough?
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Paleo exercise is lifting heavy things. We did that today. In the rain.
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On the rainforest walk.
Number of bottles of wine consumed thus far this Easter weekend: NINE. I’m somewhat disappointed we didn’t hit double digits.
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Leave it to the Snook to find the most hipster coffee on the south coast.
We found it – the whitest sand beach in the world.
You can smell the serenity.
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Coffee and hot cross buns on the veranda on a pretty morning.
Today’s destination: the whitest sand beach in the world!
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Eileen made me go into the Poultry Pavilion. It’s hot, stinky, and sounds like THE DEPTHS OF HELL.
Animal encounters with Eileen!
I grew a carrot, and it had Eileen’s face!
My love for giant cabled things knows no bounds. #cabledcamper
Hot cross bun Easter lamb burger! Mmm, sacrilicious.
My fear that a duck is watching me continues to be proven true.
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Spent the day with Fiona as my personal shopper for my new corporate wardrobe. ZOMG. Ended up with 2 bras, 2 jackets, pants, 3 skirts, 4 shirts, cardigan, belt, scarf, handbag, and shoes.
That’s the most I’ve spent in one purchase on something that didn’t have an Apple logo on it.
Shopping montage! Didn’t get all these pieces, but most.
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Red for marriage equality. My, but it’s cosy on this bandwagon!
I love all you guys. I don’t see why I should be able to have a godless, childless marriage that took place in Vegas (at the same place where Britney had her 55 hour marriage) that endows us with all the full rights of the government, and other people can’t just by virtue of who they love. That’s just stupid.
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Coca-Cola Brownies: so wrong and so right at the same time.
Earth Hour in Darling Harbour is… not so much. At least Centrepoint is dark!