Category: Facebook Post

Archived posts from Facebook

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    Drinking my tea out of a very old mug…

    Confirmed with builders that they will be back again tomorrow. Project has now officially taken 2x as long as estimated!

    It’s not every day you look out a bus window and see a friend front-and-center in a shop window of the QVB! Bex Hulands is totes famous now. 🙂

    I would have never thought of myself consciously as a “networker.” But based on the great job leads and tips I’ve received from folks in the past four days, I must be doing it right!

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    Managed to install Spotify on my Ubuntu machine at home. I feel like Angelina Jolie in Hackers.

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    THANK YOU to everyone who has sent sympathy and potential job leads. I feel really lucky. You’re all The Best.

    With 12hrs to go, my Easter Show entries are finished!

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    Trying a mantra: I will not stress about things I cannot control. I will not stress about things I cannot control. (Repeat x 500.)

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    Who do I know in New York? A friend from Sydney is going to be over there for work for a few weeks, and I’d love to be able to virtually introduce her to a local…

    Good session at physio. It’s hard to recognise progress after a year of chronic pain, but my knee is definitely improving.

    Good morning Thursday.

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    Portrait of a Grump.

    Camera Shy.

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    Anticipating very loud Tegan & Sara music and dancing bearded men with no pants. No, not going to Mardi Gras. Just Saturday night at home.

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    COOKIE CAKE! Happy birthday Kunaal! #diabetes

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    Just caught one of the burly builders in the garden singing along to Adele on the radio. I told him he was shattering my worldview.


    Is that 4 or 5 dozen? I’ve honestly lost count…

    That’s 68 choc chip cookies in 9 layers glued together with copious amounts of cream and mascarpone!

    The garden renovation is now on pause for the next three days while the Sydney rain attempts to flush us all into the harbour. Again.

    Kicking it old school on the bus today… #drmarioforever

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    The Nescafe machine at work has broken my brain. I keep expecting espresso machine at home to auto-stop, but it doesn’t. #firstworldproblem

    My friend Tara D’s brother is undergoing cancer treatment. He’s an awesome guy. The health care system in the US is a shocker though, and every little bit you can chip in will help them out.

    Hell is: having to clean up all the crappy PHP you wrote 8 years ago now that your host finally turned off register_globals.

    I asked the builders if I could put our initials in the wet concrete. They obliged.