The garden renovation project is taking shape! Pavers and wall blocks chosen…
Category: Facebook Post
Archived posts from Facebook
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My physio’s recovery plan for my knee includes 10min of foam rollering my right quad daily. So that means 10min of plank position (which I can barely do) while undergoing EXTREME TORTURE PAIN. Ow. Ow. Ow.
“No, Petey, I’m only *mostly* dead. It was the foam roller that did it.”
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A very strange, oddly exhausting, high-tech workout.
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A ship on the harbour just sounded its horn, and it totally sounded like Chewbacca. And that made me think of Sean Chadwick!
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After the last 24 hours, it’s nice to have a hacker working for me for a change.
DAMMIT. Rejected at the Red Cross AGAIN! Because of my stupid knee. If there’s any chance I’ll need surgery, they won’t take my blood. GAHH.
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So when did Sydney’s MCA build an Archimedes Death Ray? cc @donttrythis
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My first ever homemade chawanmushi, made from @nomnompaleo’s recipe! It was EXCELLENT. #paleo
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“Clean-Out-The-Fridge” Salad: rocket, apple, corn, capsicum, sausage, bleu cheese, raspberries, egg, etc. #paleo
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This time two years ago I was training for my first marathon. I met a lot of local runners online and at meet-ups. Today it hit me that just about every one of us has been sidelined with an overuse injury at some point since then. It’s a hard sport. 🙁
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Schmick new pedals for my bike!
The Blanco induction cooktop we bought at Harvey Norman has died 6 months out of warranty. So far repair estimate is $700+. Very not happy.