“Dog’s breakfast” ice cream sandwich with salted caramel. YUM.
Category: Facebook Post
Archived posts from Facebook
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Trying to decide whether to book our holiday flight to Phoenix (and potentially meet Matt and Christopher!) or whether to boycott the damn state entirely. ARIZONA, I AM DISAPPOINT.
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Note to self: “quick trip to Priceline with Shireen” was doomed from the start!
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Mary Berry’s Queen of Puddings prior to the oven!
The custard didn’t set, but it tastes LOVELY!
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Dear Kristy: Congrats on your new role. Love, Snookums
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Happy Valentine’s Day!
Today I learned who G.P. the Guinea Pig is.
Laughing so hard he cries. I love him.
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Overwhelming day at work. Bittersweet. I got a big promotion. I’m excited but slightly scared. Hope I don’t let anybody down!
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I cannot thank Amy Carbo and Daniel Carbo enough for introducing the joy that is “Bob’s Burgers” into our lives. ALL RIIIIIIIIGHT!
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Two photos from my presentation at Girl Geek Dinners tonight. (I had a Mad Men theme going in my talk. First tech talk I’ve ever done that involved cosplay!)
Thanks Georgi for the photos…
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My office is so swanky, you can get your shoes shined in an Eames chair.