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Category: Facebook Post
Archived posts from Facebook
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Australia Day desserts. SUGAR RUSH!!
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Behold the world’s first Bogan Domer! Happy Australia Day…
The most Australian photo I’ve ever taken. #australiaday
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Shite! It’s Robbie Burns Night and we totally forgot. It would’ve been awesome to eat a haggis and cheer on Andy Murray to victory!
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Seasonal Tuscan feast! Steak, homemade ratatouille, green salad. #paleo
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Several people have told me I look nice today. I blow-dried my hair and put on eyeliner. (I’m teaching a training session this afternoon.) So I have to wonder – do I actually look objectively more attractive, or is it just that people can tell I put in some effort? I suspect it’s the latter, but I can’t figure out an experiment to test it without access to, like, some tribe of Amazonians who haven’t internalised Western beauty standards.
Made-Up Kris is still dubious about this whole “performing femininity” thing. #youaskedforit
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Today is my one year anniversary at @Sitback! Very grateful to work with such great people every day. (Sadly they’ll have to content themselves with my public thanks, as it’s been too friggin’ hot to bake cookies.)
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I’m sick. I get it this time every year. It’s CABLE FEVER, BABY, YEAAAAHH.
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It’s too hot to wear actual shoes. Luckily @the_snook hooked me up. #swag
Officially joined the Pale Women Who Carry a Parasol Club today. #hot
Observatory Hill (which I can see from my office) just registered 44.9C. That’s 112F. Hence the parasol. #effinghot
*Somebody* doesn’t mind that I suck at knitting lace. *Somebody* is the handsomest boy in the whole world!
This is momentous. There is Android in our house. See? Not total fanboys.
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Seriously – WHAT THE HELL?