Category: Facebook Post

Archived posts from Facebook

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    Frocktober #18. The Diner Dress from Heartbreaker. #fifties #drag

    Holy crap. Harris Farm is selling American marshmallows! $5.29 for 300g. I am such a sucker.

    Cherry pie + chocolate cake = CHERPUMPLE Layer #1. IT’S ALL HAPPENING.

    Pumpkin Pie + Vanilla Cake = CHERPUMPLE Layer 2.

    Who do you think I am? I’m the goddamn Batcookie.

    Spice Cake + Apple Pie = final CHERPUMPLE layer. Soon it will be time to assemble this bohemoth!

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    Frocktober #17. Colette Parfait dress that I made. #cherry

    My addiction to possibly-disgusting gum continues. I was wary of this one, but it’s actually AWESOME.

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    There are a lot of swanky art galleries in Chippo, but this is the only one FOR CATS. (cc @artbuds)

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    Frocktober #13. Jolene dress from Heartbreaker. Love this one!

    I gave @kunaalr his wedding gift today: a hand knitted cricket vest! Happily, it fits. πŸ™‚

    Frocktober #15. Vintage dress from Jonathan Summers of Sydney.

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    My first unmitigated sewing disaster. I made a very cute pair of shorts… that do not even remotely fit my stupid hips and thighs. πŸ™

    It took a few hours, but Petey finally forgave his Papa for leaving him.

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    He’s home! Codependency levels are normalising. πŸ™‚

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    Trying to video chat on Skype with family members who don’t have iPhones/iPads turns me into a raving Apple fanatic. WHY DOESN’T IT JUST WORK? HOW DO YOU LIVE LIKE THIS? So frustrating.

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    Frocktober #13. You gotta love a dress where the collar sticks out past the shoulders. #vintage

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    Frocktober #12 – this is @ColettePatterns Hazel I sewed last weekend! #ifeelpretty

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    Hey, I was on the telly Friday night!

    This weekend I roasted a chicken, sewed a dress, hung all my clothes on the line, and planned a quilt. Apparently I’m Amish now.

    Frocktober #11. New dress! Bought at Target (damaged) and repaired by me.