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Category: Facebook Post
Archived posts from Facebook
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Love is: a husband cooking you dinner after a looong day at work, despite the fact that new World of Warcraft expansion launched 2hrs ago…
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Anybody know of an online radio stream for the Notre Dame-Michigan game? I can’t find ANY that I can access.
Just heard the band playing the touchdown gig for the first time in about a decade. And suddenly I flashed back to senior year in 1998, dancing in the stadium with my friends as the Irish defeated the #1 ranked Michigan. We stormed the field. We hugged each other on the 40 yard line. It was joyous. I remember the jubilant run back the dorms afterwards. I remember people splashing in Stonehenge afterwards. I called my Dad, unable to articulate how amazing it had been. That was one of the most memorable days in all four years at ND.
Sometimes I feel very far from home, and I’m jealous of you guys who get to visit campus regularly.
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Friday afternoon beer, brought to you by the great nation of India. Thanks Baddam! http://instagr.am/p/P02x-GxJI1/
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http://lucilleandmitt.tumblr.com/ – Oh Internet, you are the BEST. THING. EVER.
Gnawing on a turkey leg at my desk, just like our caveman ancestors used to do. http://instagr.am/p/PyLT7HRJEN/
Sneak peek at the sewing project I just finished! I’m going to wear it to work tomorrow… http://instagr.am/p/PzBUhqxJEU/
I made myself another shirt! It’s an altered Tova in cotton eyelet. Very happy with it! http://instagr.am/p/P0N8wcxJKs/
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Bionic Kris – better, stronger, faster… (hopefully). http://instagr.am/p/PxlSKwRJJ0/
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Thank you for the tipoff, @Kelly McMahon! Just scored two tickets to https://www.nextrestaurant.com for December 29. I’m super excited. Japanese food? Kyoto style? This is going to be interesting…
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My name is Kris and I am a Pretzel Addict. And today I think I hit rock bottom. #halp http://instagr.am/p/PgVJTJxJN1/
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John Rhys-Davies is a nutter. Fascinating, erudite, but a complete nutter. He’s been talking for 90 minutes non-stop!
Jonathan Rhys-Davies going on and on (and on and on) at tonight’s Raiders screening. Very cool. http://instagr.am/p/PecK_fRJDc/
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Interrupting a work meeting to listen to the #usopen… This is the benefit of having a Scotting project manager.