2:1 intervals with Raj, Kunaal, and Geoff. Great run!
I love it with Past Kris actually saved something that Future Kris ended up needing. Organisation skillz FTW!
Archived posts from Facebook
2:1 intervals with Raj, Kunaal, and Geoff. Great run!
I love it with Past Kris actually saved something that Future Kris ended up needing. Organisation skillz FTW!
I feel like punching stuff. I suppose the gym is the best outlet, however unsatisfactory.
Sydney: can anybody recommend a garden consultant? I want somebody to tell me what will actually grow in our space.
It appears @venks79 has announced our secret: I’m now “BA/Project Coordinator” for @mobileembrace. More skillz to learn! Wish me luck…
Mary-Helen Ward really liked our gift. 🙂
Very easy 2:1 run/walk with Raj, Kunaal, & Ritu!
Best of luck to JayDub Running and everyone else running in the Gold Coast Marathon this weekend! I hope to be toeing the line there myself next year. 🙂
Playing with Google+. It’s interesting! I certainly like the emphasis on groups/circles, which I find pretty difficult to use over here on FB.
Walked to #GGDSydney!
Awesome swag bag with SWEET Geek Girl Google coffee mug! Unexpected. Thanks, sponsors! #GGDSydney
My Mom should be at #GGDSydney. She’s a girl geek (web dev, in fact), and she’s my hero.
What I would have given for NCSS or Girls Programming Network in high school… Role models are CRUCIAL. #GGDSydney
As we were leaving Google, the Yahoo decided it was finally time to troll.
This Oxford comma business is the most unsettling thing I’ve heard all day. This pedant won’t be changing a damn thing! #oxfordcomma4life
Great run w/ @rajsingh2505! Fast pace, but had to walk a bit due to back pain.
Nothing like an implied threat from a straight-up crazy person to get the adrenaline flowing!
SMASHED IT at Spudds tonight. 103m & 100m on the rower, and I went last!
I had a case of the Monday doldrums today, so I wanted to use this workout to break free. I smashed it! Pushed myself hard on just about everything: spin bikes, climber, treadmill, weights, squats, elliptical, everything. I was LAST in the rotation for the rowing machine, which I usually try to avoid as a double-hundred is hard enough when I’m fresh (let alone 35 minutes into the class). But I KICKED ITS ASS ANYWA…
Excellent 2:1 run with the Snook through Darling Harbour, Rocks, and CBD.