Category: Facebook Post

Archived posts from Facebook

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    Oh my. I can buy Justin Bieber Babushka Nesting Dolls for my own home. This is truly the best of all possible worlds.

    Just got an ANZ phishing email. Never click links in strange banking emails, kids! Never ever. This one nearly fooled me.

    Sad hipster at the bus stop on a cold rainy night.

    I made a beautiful, tasty thing tonight. #ratatouille

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    We had scary awful wet stormy flood weather a year ago too… except it was a week later, and I was RUNNING A MARATHON IN IT. #memories

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    I finally got my hands on a liquid eyeliner pen. LOOK OUT WORLD.

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    Colour-blocking like a pro on this fine autumn day.

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    The Snook just cut up the gigantic piece of beef we bought at Costco on the weekend. 17 steaks in the freezer. Awwwww, yeahhhhhh.

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    First ever wearing of olive Super Spy Dress today! (With gumboots too.)

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    Bopping along and making stuff. (Making stuff always makes me feel closer to my Mom and Sister, even though I’m far far away…)

    Oreo-Stuffed Choc-Chip and M&M cookies. Monday morning is going to rock.

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    Start of the Vivid Festival! Sydney Harbour in stunning lights.

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    All up, we were 6 weeks and 2 days without a working kitchen. Original HN salesman said it would be “three weeks.” *sigh*

    Sorry coworkers – no cookies tomorrow. Spent the whole night moving fridge, cleaning, and unpacking kitchen. Also, the electrician miswired our cooktop and it stressed me out. Monday I promise!

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    Subjecting the entire office to “Call Me Maybe.” Suddenly I’m in a very good mood. 🙂