I wish my Dad was in Sydney. He’d totally be up for this!
Category: Facebook Post
Archived posts from Facebook
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Enjoying a massage chair demo with Kylie. Ahhh…
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Pitstop at home 2/3 through mega-long run. First bit was with @mrs_sockvictim; now running to meet @kunaal84. Going well. I CAN DO THIS.
Awesome. Just awesome.
What an amazing run. I’m so glad I went. There was serious doubt yesterday that I’d get it done. I came down with a sore throat in the afternoon, and I felt crappy all evening. Consensus on DM and elsewhere seemed to be that as long as I wasn’t running a fever, as long as all my symptoms were “above the neck,” as long as I was well-hydrated and ran slowly, as long as I LISTENED TO MY BODY – then I was okay to run….
I am so sore. Every part of me is sore. This is the kind of soreness that can only be remedied with Cheese-on-a-Stick from the Easter Show.
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Longest run ever tomorrow. I could not be better prepared… with the exception of this stupid cold. Now to try and sleep.
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Nice easy 3:1 run/walk with the Snook.
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Giant sleepy cat resting on my legs. Hot coffee. Knitting. Molly Ringworld marathon. Nice start to the weekend.
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“Do you have a paperclip? I need to swap iPhone SIM cards.” “No but I have an iPhone SIM opening tool in my wallet.” Total geek validation!
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The Snook came with me for the start of this one. We walked and jogged the first mile, then kicked it into gear for a Magic Mile time trial. Felt like I was going to barf or explode or something by the end of it. 9:46! Pretty good considering the week I’ve had (donating blood; then infection and now antibiotics). Really thrilled to be doing sub-10 minute miles again after so many years, even if it nearly kills me …
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Full review over at my site! Leave a comment there to be in the running to win a copy.
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Easy R/W (mostly walk) around Domain to test out my gammy hamstring.