Category: Facebook Post

Archived posts from Facebook

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    I have now donated blood on three continents! (I have to say, the new Red Cross donation center at Town Hall in Sydney was the best of all.)

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    Walked to Guild meeting. Sunny day! Now I’m all sweaty.

    Darling Harbour at night is so gorgeous.


    Sunday morning 1:1 R/W with Rodd & Fiona. Great way to start the day.

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    Hearty Pumpkin Chili

    Using pumpkin instead of kidney beans gives it a smoother texture and lowers the carb count. If you use kangaroo instead of beef mince, you also reduce the fat! The perfect warming dish on a cold autumn night.

    500g mince (beef or kangaroo)
    1 large onion, chopped
    1 capsicum, chopped
    1-2 garlic cloves, minced
    1 can diced tomatoes (or use fresh!)
    1 cup diced pumpkin
    1 Tbsp chili powder
    1 tsp cumin
    1/2 tsp dried basil, crushed

    In a large saucepan, cook the mince, onion, capsicum, and garlic til the meat is brown and the onion is tender. (If you need to, drain any excess fat or water at this point.)

    SLOW COOKER: Put the meat mixture along with the tomatoes, pumpkin, chili powder, cumin, and basil into your slow cooker. Give it a stir, then put it on low for 8-10 hours (or high for 4-5 hours). Salt and pepper to taste.

    STOVE TOP: Add the other ingredients to your meat mixture and bring to boiling. Reduce heat and cover. Let it simmer for about 20 minutes or until the pumpkin is the texture you like. Salt and pepper to taste.

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    Massive triple batch of Hearty Pumpkin Chili in the slow cooker at home. I can’t wait to lift that lid tonight…

    Easy 3:1 R/W before work. Thighs still sore from squats on Wed.

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    Nice easy recovery R/W around the Domain at lunch. Legs still sore.

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    Just to clarify, I didn’t post a survey about whether I should chop my hair off. My co-worker Gemma did. I voted on it, and now I can see lots of votes on it from my friends (people that she doesn’t know). So presumably you all saw it on my wall? Bad UI, Facebook.

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    So AWESOME. Best, longest, most fun run ever. I can do this!

    Was blogging about our 10th anniversary dinner on Friday when I suddenly realised it was actually 11th. #marriedmathfail

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    5:52am, and I’m fuelling up for today’s 20-miler. STOMACH, CALM DOWN OKAY?

    Halfway point – 10 miles finished! At home for a quick pitstop with a SMILE on my face. 🙂

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    Nice & easy. Very sore from last night’s brutal massage!

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    Night run. Fastest mile time in years: 9:49!! Hamstring playing up a bit at the end tho.