Second gym session in less than 24 hours… AND DOUBLE HUNDREDS ON THE ROWER, BABY. 102m and 100m. My co-worker said, “I’ve never heard you yell so loud at a workout before!”
Category: Facebook Post
Archived posts from Facebook
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Easy recovery run. Calves & shins still a little sore.
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Just completed a 14.91 km run with RunKeeper – Great LSR at 2:1 R/W. Did half with Miss Fee, which was so fun! Now ice bath.
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Just completed a 5.86 km run with RunKeeper – HOT day, so I took frequent walk breaks. I’m drenched.
Woo! My first trip on one of the fancy new “Free WiFi” buses! I am pathetically excited about that.
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New pressure cooker is heating for the 1st time, and I – in my vintage pinny – am a little scared!
In case you were wondering, the pressure cooker did not asplode. We survived to eat some yummy, yummy chicken and dumplings. 🙂
Kristine Howard shared a link.
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Me: “Can I wear these boots with this dress?” Snook: “YES. But you kinda need a riding crop to complete the look.”
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Just completed a 5.14 km run with RunKeeper – Up and down Surry Hills w/ a backpack in like 98% humidity. DRENCHED.
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Just completed a 5.47 km run with RunKeeper – Easy jog w/ hard 1 mile time trial: 10:03! Holy crap! Fastest mile in years!
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Sydney runners: Anybody done the Macleay Marathon before? ( I’ll admit I’m tempted. I’m guessing that there’s no cut-off time since it’s so small, which would be perfect for me. (Finishing my 1st one in sub-6hrs would be my goal, frankly.) Anybody have any experience with it?
This is what I use to track all my runs, and it’s free right now if you want to try it out! (Note: Once you download it, it’s free forever. It’s not like a subscription thing.)
Just completed a 4.24 km run with RunKeeper – Trying something new! Slow r/w to work wearing backpack.
Snook SMSed me: “@mathowie sent you a package.” Yay! MeFi T-shirt just in time for casual Friday.
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Just completed a 5.83 km run with RunKeeper – Easy run with the guys at lunch!