Category: Facebook Post

Archived posts from Facebook

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    Just completed a 11.75 km run with RunKeeper – Great run to start off 2011! I just need 99 more of these. :).

    Just saw Dawn Treader. Pretty good! Liked the first half more, especially truculent Eustace and Lucy getting to kick some ass with a sword.

    Amazing Yummy Mac and Cheese from @MarthaStewart.

    Here’s the official GGR “1100km in 2011” Challenge on dailymile. Please feel free to join so we can all track our progress together!

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    This is it. Last day of 2010 and I’ve got 2.63km to go. The Snook and I are heading out to the park right now. WOOOO, I WIN!

    That’s it! 1000km in 2010. (Snook will upload video soon.) Who wants to join me in my goal to run 1100km in 2011? We can do it together!

    Just completed a 5.04 km run with RunKeeper – That’s my 1000km in 2010 resolution complete!

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    Just completed a 6.88 km run with RunKeeper – Great! Run/walk around Bay Run w/ @mrs_sockvictim.

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    Just completed a 8.65 km run with RunKeeper – Great weather: cool and drizzly!

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    Just completed a 6.44 km run with RunKeeper – Sunny Christmas Day run w/ Snook. Beautiful out there!

    Apparently my whole family were trying to Skype me in the middle of the night. (Nearly ten years and still nobody grasps time zones.) We’re awake now, folks!

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    I sewed another skirt. It’s green with robots on it. Dr. Amy obviously likes it.

    Family: I’ll leave Skype running all day if you want to chat when you get up!

    Check out the 5.00 km run I did with RunKeeper – Managed to crank out a few more kms on the treadmill at Spudds! 25km to go…

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    Reading quotes from a play I stage-managed FOURTEEN YEARS AGO and still laughing out loud at some of them… #nostalgia

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    Check out the 5.00 km run I did with RunKeeper – Managed to crank out a few more kms on the treadmill at Spudds! 25km to go…

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    Check out the 10.12 km run I did with RunKeeper… YESTERDAY (since it appears not to have posted).

    Just completed a 8.29 km run with RunKeeper – Pretty good, but I think I need to ice this rt leg or it’s going to fall off.

    Just completed a 10.12 km run with RunKeeper – Great! Did 6K w/ Snook then 4K by myself. 3:1 R/W whole way. Legs felt okay!

    Current total for 2010: 970.4km. That leaves me 10 days to go another 29.6km to meet my goal!