Just completed a 2.68 km walk with RunKeeper
Category: Facebook Post
Archived posts from Facebook
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Just completed a 5.62 km run with RunKeeper
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Just completed a 5.53 km run with RunKeeper
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I dropped a package in the mail for you guys on the weekend. It’s a hoodie jacket I knitted for Mason. I hope it fits! Let me know when you get it…
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Just completed a 5.47 km run with RunKeeper
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Flying kites at Sydney Park and squinting in the sunshine!
Just completed a 7.61 km run with RunKeeper
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Just completed a 5.44 km run with RunKeeper
History repeats itself. In October 2001, CmdrTaco of Slashdot famously dissed the first-gen iPod with “No wireless. Less space than a nomad. Lame.” I’ve been seeing a *lot* of very similar posts about the iPad this morning. Personally, I’m reserving judgement. I’d hate to be eating my words along with the rest of you in a few years…
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Having Tuesday off really means that the week has two Mondays. And that sucks.
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Just completed a 5.61 km run with RunKeeper
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Just completed a 7.13 km run with RunKeeper