Category: Facebook Post

Archived posts from Facebook

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    is wondering if I have pneumonia. I wish I was joking.

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    I have been informed that when workmen are around, the lady of the house is meant to offer them tea and coffee. Sure, whatever.

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    ate abalone and shark fin and lobster and lots of other weird-but-tasty dishes last night… AND LIVED!

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    All dressed up for Steph and Eva’s wedding. What a beautiful day! Congratulations to both of them. 🙂

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    People always ask me what I miss from the U.S. You know what I miss? Jumbo bottles of pain reliever. You can go into any Wal-Mart in America and pay, like, $7 for 500 ibuprofen. Here the biggest package I can find is 24. (The Snook says it’s to keep people from using them to commit suicide.) It’s really annoying.

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    Tomorrow is Cupcake Day for the RSPCA, and I’m halfway through a mammoth frosting project. C IS FOR CUPCAKE!

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    I haven’t danced on a platform in fake smoke for like 9 years. Man, so fun. But what is this CRAP that passes for music nowadays?

    I REFUSE to dance to Lady Gaga. REFUSE.

    I’m home from Hens Night before Snook is home from Bucks Night. This means HE WINS.

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    Planning a trip to Adelaide, Alice Springs, and Uluru in October with Snook and Eileen. We’re going to be sleeping in swags in the Outback!

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    The mention of the high cost of US insurance premiums blew my mind. A family pays $13K a year?? I did a quick back-of-the-enveloped calculation and worked out that the Snook and I pay less than $5K a year for health insurance. (That includes the portion of our taxes that go to the state-sponsored insurance, plus the extra private insurance cover we have on top of that.)

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    Ran the 14km City 2 Surf for the fourth time. Finished in about 110 minutes, which wasn’t a personal best but was pretty good considering this wasn’t my goal race. This was just training for my half-marathon in six weeks time…

    My Race Report from the 2009 City 2 Surf… with lots of bad photos from the actual course!