Category: Facebook Post

Archived posts from Facebook

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    So according to Rodd Snook, this masterpiece was parked in front of our house this morning. I NEED TO MEET THIS TRUCKER. (Paging Amy Carbo and Anthony Howard…)

    Drinking my first “bulletproof” coffee. It’s surprisingly good. I was expecting total yuck, but this is like a latte without milk!

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    A dress in a day! Another Colette Laurel, my fastest sewing project ever.

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    Brisbanites! Need recommendations for place to stay, bars and restaurants to check out. Criteria: smug hipster. Suggestions?

    Train derailment and bus broken down on Harbour Bridge. Feeling very happy I live close enough to walk to work!

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    Me: “Check out my new shirt?” Snook: “Who the hell is Shaggydog?” #forgottenrickon

    Me: “Check out my new shirt?” Snook: “Who the hell is Shaggydog?” #forgottenrickon

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    Massive US foods hamper marked down at DJ’s to $38! Thanks to @gadgetgirl70 for the tip. 🙂

    Every night when I take my Nexium, I think: “ZOMG.”

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    He built me a bike shed, so I bought him a beer.

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    I bought a new dress today!

    Cocktails! Mine is “Ice and Fire,” Rodd’s is “Taking the Black.”

    WOW. If you’re in Sydney and you don’t mind partially nekkid people, you should go see the Game of Thrones burlesque at the Vanguard. I’d rate it even higher than the Star Wars version of recent years. Awesome costumes, great dancers and gymnasts, humour, sexy ladies, DUDES WITH SIX PACKS, cool music, great emcees (Varys and Littlefinger). And the White Walker act alone is worth the price of admission.

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    The automatic buttonholer is, in fact, the coolest thing since sliced bread.

    One last teaser shot to highlight the coconut buttons!

    HOLY CRAP. Remember the giant huntsman spider I took a photo of my our mailbox recently? I was just about to turn off the light and go to bed tonight when I saw movement. HE WAS IN THE BEDROOM. THREE FEET FROM MY HEAD. I woke up Rodd, who leapt into action. “They’re not poisonous, right? You said they’re not poisonous!” It scurried – unbelievably fast – around the bathroom door. He crept inside to have a look, and then he FLINCHED. And that’s when I got freaked out. When the Australian is disturbed, you know you’re dealing with a monster creature. He went to get a glass, then decided the spider was too big for it. “JUST SQUISH IT WITH A TOWEL,” I urged. He armed himself, and I did the same. After another look: “Do we have any spray?” So I got the spray. And finally, bravely, Rodd reached around the door and sprayed the thing. It came flying out the door at us. Chaos. Jumping and yelling. I got in two good whacks, and on the second he curled up. Down went the glass, and swiftly he was deposited outside. I’m sorry, Mr Spider, I know you weren’t bad. But DAMN, you gave us both heart attacks. And now I’m never sleeping again.

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    Our first ever meal in the back garden, under my new red shade umbrella!

    Highlight of NYE: spotting a dude walking a giant pig in Redfern. The goat of Chippendale has now been out-hipstered!

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    Panoramic shot from today at Scott’s Head Beach.