Giving my first ever conference talk at Respond 2015 in March! (My bio is by far the silliest. I wish they’d edited it!)
Archived posts from Facebook
Giving my first ever conference talk at Respond 2015 in March! (My bio is by far the silliest. I wish they’d edited it!)
EatDrinkPaleo’s “Caramelised Onion & Carrot Omelette Roll-up with Ham”. Delicious! Recipe here:
Me: Good morning! So I just saw on Facebook that it’s International Kiss a Ginger Day. *suggestive eyebrow*
Rodd: But you’re a fake ginger! I’ll give you a fake kiss.
(Tagging the real gingers: @Scott @Paul @Matt @Isabel @Stephanie @Megan. Wow. I know a lot of gingers.)
Modelling Nanny Lorna’s fascinator by request.
We scrub up pretty well.
Wow – just spotted @nomnompaleo on Aussie TV’s “The Paleo Way” while eating Curried Broccoli Soup from her recipe! #totesunplanned
Last dress purchase for 2014: Stefanie dress from @heartofhaute. LOVE IT. (But I am officially now on a Dress Moratorium.)
Told my stylist to go the side fringe. I was bored with it within 15 minutes. Always the way…
Just ran out back to see the ISS zoom past overhead. So cool! #spacestationselfie
Finished Darling Ranges dress! (I ❤️ my automatic buttonholer.)
I have lived in Australia for 13 years, and this is the first time I’ve seen “Young Einstein” since I was a kid. It makes a lot more sense now.
People camped out from last night to get the best views of tonight’s fireworks!
View from the ferry. That brown building on the right? Where the party is tonight. W00t.
The police are having a stand-up! How very agile of them.
Negroni selfie on the harbour. #nye
It’s way, way too early in the evening for Cups. This will not end well.
He did me proud.
Before the 9pm fireworks!
Fireworks. YAY!!!
I brought glow sticks. Rodd says: “You turned it into a rave.”
Who decided to play the “Old People Who Live on the Other Side of the Harbour” card and go home before midnight? THIS GUY.
Chunder Bell-Curve. Bless you, ABC.
HAPPY NEW YEAR! #couchselfie #wecanstillhearit #catsfreakedout
I know you know it’s a fake, but just in case. 🙂
Whoa, I was feeling guilty about bailing on the NYE party early, but it looks like we made the right decision! Yikes.
Sewing day!!
Violent Femmes at the Opera House! Playing their eponymous album for the 30th anniversary.
“Lemme go on… like I blister in the sun.” Hell of a way to open a show!