Ride to Five Dock to buy kitchen tiles, then home via 2 bike shops!
Achievement unlocked! Paper piecing AND curved seams. I am victorious! http://instagr.am/p/Hd3BMMRJMF/
Archived posts from Facebook
Ride to Five Dock to buy kitchen tiles, then home via 2 bike shops!
Achievement unlocked! Paper piecing AND curved seams. I am victorious! http://instagr.am/p/Hd3BMMRJMF/
The Dudette abides. (It’s too hot to wear my bathrobe.) http://instagr.am/p/HbLNkyRJAe/
Super excited that we got a booking for the Game of Thrones dinner at Gastro Park for my BIRTHDAY next month! http://bit.ly/xmzXp0
Sydney Harbour on a sunny day with a big boat. @ Dawes Point http://instagr.am/p/HVXreRRJBD/
Baking PB cookies in a shameless attempt to make my new co-workers like me… http://instagr.am/p/HWF42ARJFr/
It’s Friday and it’s summer, and my hair is finally long enough to plait. Good day.
Spotted on Broadway tonight. #hipsters http://instagr.am/p/HGWw8zRJK9/
“Bicycle maintenance course. Time to learn to change a tire!” @ Sydney Park C.A.R.E.S. Facility http://4sq.com/yO9MEP
The Snook bought me a shiny red heart-shaped paleo-approved Valentine’s Day treat. @ Dawes Point http://instagr.am/p/G-LQYIRJEH/
My nephew Penn made a cool stop-motion video (with a little help from @Amy and @Dan). Neat!
Woo! Just got my new funky business cards. I feel all official! @ Sitback Solutions http://instagr.am/p/G70dBURJP5/
Dinner tonight: Buttermilk Roast Chicken, smashed carrots, beans, pumpkin. http://instagr.am/p/G8J8kXxJCJ/
Dinner Tonight: Steak, Steamed Veg, Chinese Greens with Bacon. http://instagr.am/p/GvUST-RJGm/
Thursday. I put a bird on it. @ Sitback Solutions http://instagr.am/p/Gw1vlsxJPe/
Well, crap. After my workout this morning, I saw my regular GP about the knee pain that’s been bothering me for a month now (mostly while climbing stairs). I had seen the weekend GP a fortnight ago. He told me to get an ultrasound if it didn’t go away, but didn’t tell me to do anything special or stop exercising. It turns out he’s an idiot. My regular GP examined me and promptly diagnosed suprapatellar bursitis. I…
This year’s sock monkey is slightly Not Safe for Work. (I have to admit, I cheered when I saw Lisbeth’s T-shirt in the cinema though.)
Ride to work – IN THE RAIN, BOOYAH. .