Hipster alert! My new specs are here. 🙂 @ Chippendale http://instagr.am/p/f8HDx/
Archived posts from Facebook
Hipster alert! My new specs are here. 🙂 @ Chippendale http://instagr.am/p/f8HDx/
Luckily for @the_snook, I find dudes who know their way around a motherboard very sexy. http://instagr.am/p/ftUt0/
Got up early to make Oatmeal Currant Cookies for my BFF @kunaal84. http://instagr.am/p/fzIgQ/
FB friends: I have 60+ Delicious magazines (from issues 26-93, minus a couple) looking for a good home. Free if you pick them up!
Um, holy shit. Amanda Palmer just performed a song from the seat in front of me! http://instagr.am/p/fHOi5/
Self-portrait with two cats and an iPad. Life is good. http://instagr.am/p/e1FT1/
Just booked in myself and Rodd for the 22nd. It’ll be nice to get a bit more confident riding in the city!
I booked in! Looking forward to it. Atlassian – isn’t that where @Henry Tapia works?
We saw TINTIN tonight and it was fantastic. Everything the 4th Indiana Jones movie should have been. Also, I want a little white dog now.
Hello 2012! Feels like the HOTTEST day all summer, so I slowed way down. Felt great.
It was such a good party… but this hangover is EVIL. Self, just because you *can* play Flip Cup, doesn’t mean you *should*.
Happy New Year’s! With cheekbones.
Waiting for the first round of fireworks…
Whoa, the Alfred got held up again! Paging Stephen Jeffery, Nick Deverell, Nathan Healy, Guy Joseph Moloney, Rodd Snook…
On our way to Marrickville to see @neilhimself’s show. A little culture to balance out all the beer and cricket of the last 3 days…
Just watched a string quarter cover Rage Against the Machine, and it ROCKED. Every time I watch a cellist, I wish I played it.