Took me a long time to warm up! 2:30/:45 intervals.
Category: Facebook Post
Archived posts from Facebook
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Inner City Knitters Guild Christmas Party! I made the Nuts
FaceTimed my Mom, who was at my nephew’s birthday party. Got to video chat with lots of my family Sometimes technology is awesome.
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Changed ratio to 2:30/:45 to add in more running! Felt great!
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Another easy 2:1 R/W. Feeling a little stronger!
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Having truffle fries as a Bella birth chaser.
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Very easy 2:1 run/walk. Cough is easing…
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1st run in 2wks! Took it VERY easy as my lungs are still weak.
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Happy Thanksgiving to my adopted brothers! We had a feast and watched an old recording of the Macy’s Parade. Almost felt like home!
And then we played Settlers of Catan, which turned our feelings of warmth and community into backstabbing and bitchiness. Fun though!
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Heh. This is the highlights reel from the show we saw last winter. 🙂
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T-4 hours til Momofuku Seibo! Very excited…
Watching preparation of our first course at Momofuku Seibo!
The soundtrack at @momofuku Seibo is AWESOME. David Chang listens to Our Type of Music. REM, Johnny Cash, the Ramones, Metallica… awesome.
Holy shit. Last course! “Petit fours” = 8hr slow-roasted pork shoulder. No cutlery. AMAZING.
Snook: “I can’t eat another bite or I’ll puke.” Me: “Seriously?I WANT TO TAKE A BATH IN THIS PORK.”
Took a photo in the Star bathroom so you could see my pretty frock.