Safely made it to our hotel in Chicago. Here, at last, is real summer heat. The Midwestern humidity appeals to me on a cellular level.
I keep looking the wrong way at intersections. This could make driving out of Chicago today interesting…
Archived posts from Facebook
Safely made it to our hotel in Chicago. Here, at last, is real summer heat. The Midwestern humidity appeals to me on a cellular level.
I keep looking the wrong way at intersections. This could make driving out of Chicago today interesting…
Just said a teary goodbye to Amy and the kids. Now waiting for the bus to SFO and our flight to Chicago… *sniff*
Just completed a 5.96 km run with RunKeeper – Great run. Cool and foggy. Snookums ran with me! Felt 99%. .
Day 2 of vacation. Current tally: Naps taken – 2. Books finished – 1. (Ian McEwan’s “Solar.”) Fresh mangoes eaten – 1. Miles run – 5. Inadvertent swears in from of toddlers – 1. Good times…
Games of Settlers of Catan played: 2. Overall score: Snook 2, everybody else 0.
Today’s adventure: Fairyland in Oakland. The kids had a great time. The grownups are pretty worn out though!
Back at the house. Anchor Steam Beer with Buster…
I seem to be REALLY enjoying my first toasted marshmallow in, like, 10 years.
Just completed a 8.25 km run with RunKeeper – 1st run in USA! Hot and sunny. Felt good. .
On my run in Petaluma this morning, over by the airport.
In the cab, heading to the airport. Sydney is putting on some glorious weather for our departure!
Do I look stressed?! I am obsessively checking everything. How did we not forget anything? That’s unpossible!
Plane is boarding! Here we go!!
Safe and sound at the Carbo house in Petaluma. Really tired though…
Work is done! Now heading home to finish cleaning and packing. Can’t believe less than 24 hours to go… (Just wish stupid Qantas would let us check in online!)
Ladies: any suggestions on what to wear/not wear for a 13 hour flight? Just wondering if my usual jeans and t-shirt could be swapped for something better…
Paging @Eileen and @Rodd… 🙂
The Snook has just finished his last official day with Photon! Now he has a month’s holiday before starting his new job… as a Yahoo. 🙂
3hr meeting to go through 60pg spec complete. Went really well! Stress is gone. I’m even a little proud. I think I did a pretty good job. 🙂
EEEEEEEEK! Three more sleeps til we go. Passports: check. Itinerary and hotel/rental car reservations: check. Housesitter: check. Gifts for the fam: check. Actual clothes packed into a suitcase? Hmmm… Not so much.
Just completed a 5.77 km run with RunKeeper – Foot/knee: 98%! Speed is increasing every run. Snook ran too today. :).
Mammoth 60 page spec delivered. Took me a month to write. I can haz vacation now? #wrungout
Four more sleeps til USA, counting this one. Crap. I am nowhere near ready.
Just completed a 5.69 km run with RunKeeper – Foot & knee: 95% good! Nice run in the rain.