Category: Facebook Post

Archived posts from Facebook

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    You stay classy, Brisbane.

    We were here for a good 10 minutes before we noticed the HUGE DRAGON behind us.

    Mid-century SWOON.

    Californian hipster dreaming… #caldesigncomp @qagoma

    Lots of Aussie beers on tap here!

    Spotted my first Queenslander (house) today!

    Confession: I’m surprised by how much I’m liking Brisbane. You all made it sound crappy! I could totally live here. What’s not to like?

    My other favourites from the @QA goma Californian living exhibit today.

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    I answered EXTREME for all the last questions. 🙁

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    Homemade Summer Pudding and vanilla ice cream. #bliss

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    Flags fluttering in the breeze… (My neighbours were amused.)

    That’s two Straya Day BBQs down… Did I mention the BMX Bandits? #youngnicole #prebotox

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    No brontosauruses were hurt in the making of our dinner. A cow, on the other hand…

    Mr Snook said proudly: LOOK AT THAT SMOKE RING. LOOK AT IT!

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    I got waylaid on my way home.

    Today’s bulletproof coffee experiment: double coconut oil, slightly more ghee. Complicating factor: hangover.

    For the record, the alarm was still going at 8am.

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    So according to Rodd Snook, this masterpiece was parked in front of our house this morning. I NEED TO MEET THIS TRUCKER. (Paging Amy Carbo and Anthony Howard…)

    Drinking my first “bulletproof” coffee. It’s surprisingly good. I was expecting total yuck, but this is like a latte without milk!

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    A dress in a day! Another Colette Laurel, my fastest sewing project ever.

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    Brisbanites! Need recommendations for place to stay, bars and restaurants to check out. Criteria: smug hipster. Suggestions?

    Train derailment and bus broken down on Harbour Bridge. Feeling very happy I live close enough to walk to work!

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    Me: “Check out my new shirt?” Snook: “Who the hell is Shaggydog?” #forgottenrickon

    Me: “Check out my new shirt?” Snook: “Who the hell is Shaggydog?” #forgottenrickon