Category: Facebook Post

Archived posts from Facebook

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    Kristine Howard posted something via Flipboard.

    As requested, my new sunnies. And Sydney’s crappy weather.

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    How fun! Just recorded an episode of the Slow Runners Club as a special guest with @zenrunner and @edmarathon. Thanks, guys! 🙂

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    Solo 2:1 R/W at lunch. Felt great! Picked up the pace a little. .

    Nice 2:1 R/W with the Snook. A bit crampy; too many beers last night!

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    This is me and the iPad2, which I named Marmoset. (We have a monkey naming scheme.)

    Okay, I’m obsessed with Marmoset (the new iPad). App recommendations? I already got Flipboard and it’s UH-MAZING. Also downloading Sword and Sworcery as we speak…

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    Awesome 2:1 run with @kunaal84 and @rajsingh. Felt great. .

    Registered to run this as part of a team with @Kunaal, @Raj, and Paul “Chiefy” Jeronimo. We’re calling ourselves “The Indian Chiefs.”

    I’m starting to see what you guys are on about with this foam roller business. That was 10 minutes of hell… but right now my legs feel gooooooood.

    Dear Gary Mehigan: This is how you make Shepherd’s Pie, you twit. Love, me and Saint Delia.

    Baked some special treats for tomorrow. It’s Tanvir’s last day and @rajsingh2505’s birthday!

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    Cheese is happening!

    We made a mozzarella cheese baby!

    Night run! 3:1 intervals. Foot hurting a bit. .

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    It’s 6:03pm and the Snook and I are still here. Not a big surprise. On the plus side, we get to go to our CHEESE-MAKING class tomorrow!

    He says: “If a man’s not makin’ a mess, he’s not makin’ anything.”

    CONGRATULATIONS to my cousin Megan Baker and her new husband Tad Hite! Looks like a gorgeous wedding. We were very sorry to miss it!

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    My new foam roller has arrived! @seanchadwick immediately had to try “planking” on it.

    Nice easy 3:1 with @rajsingh & @kunaal84 at lunch!

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    is personally bringing the oversized 80s jumper back into fashion. You can all thank me later.