Hello Sydney in the spring! Why yes, those are my bare knees…
Category: Facebook Post
Archived posts from Facebook
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Pretty good, considering I rolled my ankle again HARD 1/2way thru. :(.
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Cooking beans in my pressure cooker for the first time. My Aunt Berb will be so friggin’ proud when she hears.
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Easy run w/ some walk breaks. Back feeling okay!
I am finding it slightly difficult to use my laptop today.
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Indulging our inner hipsters in Fitzroy.
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Wine tasting! (Curse my damn Designated Driver status.)
Red Hill Estate. Gorgeous view…
Red Hill Brewery. This is what I was saving my alcohol allowance for.
On the balcony at Eldridge Estate. It’s amazing here.
Realisation: lighthouses are built on bleak promontories. Our cute little cottage is now being buffeted by the Roaring 40’s. Seriously.
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We are watching @toastman solve Rubik’s Cubes blindfolded. Yes, really.
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Warm day! Slowed down 2nd half due to sore back.
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Another thing we did recently at work: http://bit.ly/npp9TG. See Ma? It’s not just selling ringtones anymore… 🙂
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Listening to “Mink Car Cover”, TMBG cover album. http://www.minkcarcover.com/ My day is officially made. #sohipsterithurts
New Spudds shirt! I feel tough. Enjoying spring sunshine after today’s workout.
And if any of my Sydney friends want to go, if you provide the transportation I’ll do the shopping! (You have to be a member to buy stuff.)