Cheating Snook just played “ae” in Words With Friends. THAT SHOULD NOT BE NOT A WORD. SCRABBLE GAMEPLAY FAIL.
Just completed a 5.32 km run with RunKeeper
Archived posts from Facebook
Cheating Snook just played “ae” in Words With Friends. THAT SHOULD NOT BE NOT A WORD. SCRABBLE GAMEPLAY FAIL.
Just completed a 5.32 km run with RunKeeper
Even though the site made me install Silverlight, this looks AWESOME.
Soooo close to 500K!
Just completed a 22.03 km run with RunKeeper
Steve Jobs on Flash: He leaves out the most pervasive argument for me: 99.9% of Flash on the Web SUCKS. I turned it off in Firefox a month ago and the experience has been amazing. No more crappy ads flying in to cover my screen. No more autoplay videos with sound. Having no Flash is a net good for me.
Dear World: The button on my jacket is not Justin Bieber; it is Liza Minnelli. One is a gay icon, and the other just looks like a lesbian.
I uploaded this today. One of these days I’m going to learn to remember to turn the damn iPhone sideways.
I just bought both of these. Matt is the very talented designer who created my blog masthead (
Check out the 5.35 km run I did with RunKeeper
Just completed a 16.03 km run with RunKeeper
Me: “Hey, look. You’re on this page.” Snook: “Nice. So I’m like a definitive reference for elbow-licking.”
Check out the 6.70 km hike I did with RunKeeper
Best of luck to all the runners in Boston today. Run long and strong!
I just ate my first chicken’s foot. SERIOUSLY. (It was yummy.)