My 20yo self knew enough not to drink 4 glasses of wine on an empty stomach. Conclusion: I am officially getting dumber as I get older.
Category: Facebook Post
Archived posts from Facebook
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“I am the EARTH MOTHER, and you are all flops.” Goodnight Martha. Sad, sad, sad. (R.I.P. Liz Taylor. You were a legend.)
Gentle 3:1 morning run along Blackwattle Bay. Lovely!
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Equinox. Aren’t I meant to be able to stand an egg on end or something? I seem to remember doing that in elementary school.
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Slow run in a total downpour. Soaked. Miserable. But I did it.
Portrait of a Miserable, Soaking Wet Runner Who Nevertheless Just Finished Five Miles.
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Nice easy lunchtime run. Perfect weather!
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I bought “brain-boosting chewing gum.” I’m not sure it’s working. Also, it tastes like ass.
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Nice morning run. Listened to Slow Runners Club; Eddie talked about passing of his Mom. Thought about my beautiful Mom & dedicated this run to her. :).
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For the third year in a row, my little brother Joey is doing “Jump Rope for Heart” to raise money for kids with heart issues. If you can afford it, please consider sponsoring him. It’s a great program. And check out that video… He gets better at jumping rope every year! 🙂
Thank you EVERYBODY for all the birthday wishes! I was going to go through and comment on them all, but frankly I’m a little hungover from last night’s birthday dinner. (It was excellent. Highly recommend Bentley Bar if you haven’t been.) It was fun to check FB throughout the day and see the messages rolling in from around the world. You all helped make it a great day!
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I did it. So hot. Shins were cramping the last 5 miles. But I did it.
Sudden realization: the wizard in Evil Dead 3: Army of Darkness is also Mr. Pitt from Seinfeld! My mind is blown.
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ARGHHHH. I have hidden Gowalla posts on my wall at least 10 times, and they keep popping back up again. I DON’T CARE ABOUT GOWALLA CHECKINS AND I DON’T WANT TO SEE THEM.
Carbo-loading in preparation for tomorrow’s Epic Long Run. I can do it. I can do it! (cc @mrs_sockvictim, who is going to run bit with me!)
It’s two days til my 34th birthday… and I’m about to head out on my longest run ever: 17 miles / 27km. I can do it.