Category: Geek Girl Runner

Running related posts and content, including ten episodes of my podcast

  • “That which doesn’t kill us…”
    In running news, I’m ridiculously happy to report that today I managed to run the entire 5K (3.1 miles) without stopping! That is seriously, like, a Lifetime Best. My pace is still pretty slow, but at least I managed to finish. Only four more days til the race! I figure I’ll try to run the full distance again Thursday and Friday, and then take Saturday off to rest and hydrate. I’m still nervous, though. My registration stuff came in the mail today, with a map of the course, the T-shirt I ordered, and my official race number. (7929 in the hizzouse!) I guess I can’t back out now. I’ve caught myself secretly hoping for rain a few times. It’s not that I’m worried about physically being able to do it anymore. It’s more like I’m afraid I’ll chicken out mentally and end up being disappointed with myself. Snookums has been very encouraging and has promised to be there cheering me on. Today he even dangled the promise of a skiing weekend if I run the entire race! Mostly, though, I just want to make him proud of me. Being unemployed for eight months isn’t the best way to feel great about yourself. If I can do this, though, it’ll go a long way towards making this last year of upheaval and change feel like it’s heading in the best possible direction.

  • Good News Part Two. Last night at the gym I managed to run two and a half miles without stopping! I know that’s peanuts for some of you, but it’s a major personal best for me. My goal is to be able to run the entire Nike Women’s 5K (3.1 miles) next weekend. And I’m actually starting to think I might be able to do it! I have a few nagging concerns though:

    • My pace is really pretty slow. (It’s more of a jog than a run.) I’m worried that when the race starts I’ll subconsciously speed up to keep up with the others and then burn out halfway through the course. I could wear a watch, I guess, and time each kilometer, but I’ll have run a fifth of the race before I’m able to adjust. I also thought of creating an iPod playlist of songs with beats at my running pace and just listening/running to that. What do you think?
    • I run much, much better when I’m well hydrated. At the gym I drink frequently while I’m running. But how in the world do you carry water while you’re running?

    Any advice would be appreciated!

  • I’m happy. I did five kilometers (just over three miles) on the treadmill today, and I actually ran about 90% of it. I’m doing the Nike Women’s Classic 5K Run next month and my goal is to run the whole thing without stopping. Do any of you runners have training tips for me? What’s the best way to build up your endurance for distance running? (Not that three miles is much for you folks, but it’s a hella long way for me.) Should I concentrate on running the distance faster, or is it better to work on running even farther and just expect the speed to come along with it?

  • Three-month gym membership: $150
    Cute blue water bottle: $3
    New sports bras: $30
    Stepping out of the gym into the bright blue sunshine after having finished my workout, ran two miles, and lost half a kilogram, and thinking, “I am so proud of myself”: priceless

    Nearly getting hit by a car because I’m so entranced by the idea of running home and blogging this right away: pretty damn embarrassing

  • Did I mention I joined a health club? I know, that sounds so ridiculous and posh coming from me, but I’m tired of sitting on my ass (literally) all day long and not feeling well. I’m hoping a little yoga and spinning and stair-climbing will shake me out of my stupor. Why don’t I just run in the park, you ask? Easy, because I loathe running with an all-consuming passion. The only time I could ever bring myself to do it was in tennis practice in high school, when our coach basically forced us to. Of course, that was the fittest I’ve ever been in my life. Could there be a connection? Nahhhh.