Category: Halloween

Things related to Halloween

  • Halloween Pictures

    Our Halloween pictures are up!What’s that? Oh yeah, it’s a Halloween Meat Cake. Pretty sweet, huh? The Snook and I just finished off the rest of the leftovers today. Apologies to the guests that I didn’t get a good picture of. I’m sure the four photobloggers in attendance will have some other good shots to…


  • Heroes of Australia

    Our 4th Annual Halloween Extravaganza went even better than I’d hoped! The creativity and fun of our friends never fails to astound me. I’ve got a lot more photos to upload – including some of the Snook’s greatest culinary creation to-date, the Meat Cake – but here’s one to tide you over: The Snook and…


  • Eyeballs

    Preparations are underway…Yeah, that’s a lot of eyeballs. Forty-two, to be exact. (I didn’t even plan that.) What’s even worse is, I actually threw out more than a third of the peanut butter mixture I made. I really should measure when I start these projects… Oh, and if you catch us during daylight hours, you…


  • Fake Pumpkin

    This is the most amazing thing ever. My Mom sent me a big ol’ box of Halloween stuff this week, and inside I found… a pumpkin. WHA–? A BIG FAKE PUMPKIN. It’s made out of some space-age foam stuff and you can actually CARVE IT. Oh, the things you can get in America! Thanks to…


  • Halloween Papercraft

    Halloween Papercraft. Oh, I’m MAKIN’ those coffins!


  • Only three more weeks… Ah, the horrors American parents inflict upon their children. Most of those images come from this site, if you’re interested.


  • More Halloween Ideas

    More Halloween supper ideas… I need to get going on the invitations!


  • Halloween is coming!

    Other than missing my family, there isn’t a lot of stuff that makes me think, “Man, I really wish we lived in the US.” But you know what does? HALLOWEEN. I know, I know. You’re saying, “Kris, what about your dream of bringing this fine holiday to the Australian people? Don’t give up the dream!”…


  • Halloween Ideas

    AskMetaFilter tackles Halloween costumes for couples. I liked Spy versus Spy, Bob Ross and Happy Tree, Yoshimi and a Pink Robot, and the one where one person is a pilot and one is a snake. (That will never not be funny.) Fortunately no one came up with the concept the Snook and I will be…


  • Crochet Eyeballs

    Crochet Eyeballs (PDF). Now I just need to learn to crochet before Halloween! (Link courtesy of Julie.)
