Category: Halloween

Things related to Halloween

  • Meat Cake

    I think we may have found this year’s Halloween centerpiece: Behold the Meat Cake. That is BEAUTIFUL.

  • Halloween Photos

    Enormous CrocodileFinally I got off my butt today and uploaded the photos from this year’s party. The highlight of the food was definitely my Enormous Crocodile as seen there on the right. It was a complete pain to make, but luckily as I was going as Hiroyuki Sakai – Iron Chef French – I was able to channel some of his “Delacroix” skill to put Mr. Crocodile together. Guest costume highlights included Facial Peel victims, bruised and bloodied nursery rhyme characters, and the Phantom’s nips. Seriously.

  • Iron Chef

    Happy Halloween!
    Ladies and gentlemen, I give you eccentric millionaire Chairman Kaga (founder of Kitchen Stadium), and Iron Chef Hiroyuki Sakai, the “Delacroix of French cuisine.”

    Kaga and Sakai

    More photos are forthcoming, but in the meantime Amy’s put a couple up on Flickr. The Other Andrew also has a write-up. (We had bloggers all over the place!) And yes, at one point in the night the Snook *did* take a bite of that pepper. 🙂

  • Social Maven

    It’s always fun to find yourself being discussed on the Internet, especially when people are trying to schedule things around your Halloween Party because it’s obviously becoming the SYDNEY SOCIAL EVENT OF THE SPRING. Except for that whole horse racing thing next week.

    In related party news, things are coming down to the wire as usual. My costume is about 40% finished. (I still have to make pants.) The trial batch of Wilton Milk-Chocolate Cupcakes with a Peanut Butter Candy Filling were a dismal failure. And did I mention that the Snook has come down with a cold? Poor baby may have to stay home tomorrow.

  • Buck Eye Balls

    Buck Eye BallsHalloween Treat: Buck Eye Balls
    I wasn’t sure whether I should post this and ruin the surprise for any guests at our party, but the reactions I’ve gotten from the few people I’ve showed them to have persuaded me to do otherwise. The people of the world need to have this recipe for their own Halloween parties. Thus I present to you my greatest creation ever: “Buck Eye Balls.”

    Most of us who grew up in the Midwest remember buckeyes, the peanut butter-and-chocolate balls that our Moms would make on special occasions. They popped in to my head recently while planning the menu for our Third Annual “Bringin’ Halloween to the Aussies” Party. But how to make them suitably ghoulish? It hit me like a flash: make them look like human eyeballs. It took three experimental batches before I got everything just right, but the results are before you. Here’s what you do:

    To make the peanut butter mixture, you need 1 part butter, 2 parts peanut butter, and 3 parts powdered sugar. The mixture should look fairly “dry;” add more powdered sugar if yours is too gooey. (This is the part I kept messing up.) Add a couple drops of red food colouring at a time until it’s a nice disgusting red. (If you add it after you’ve mixed the other ingredients, you get a mottled “hamburger” type look. It may appear smoother if you add it before putting in the powdered sugar.) Use your hands to form the mixture into 1-inch balls. If they don’t roll easily you can try putting the mix in the fridge for a while, but my advice is to add more sugar. (In worst case scenarios, you may need to try a different and less oily peanut butter. The smooth stuff I used in my first batch just stayed gooey the whole time.) Put the balls in the fridge for a while just to firm them up a little more before dipping. A lot of the recipes on the Internet tell you to use paraffin with your chocolate, but I just bought white chocolate “cooking compound” that already had it included. Much simpler. Put a handful of the white chocolate pieces in a bowl and microwave it on low, stirring often, until you get a nice smooth consistency. Now get your peanut butter balls out. Stick a toothpick into the top of each one. (This is your handle for dipping.) The idea is to leave a circle on top for the iris of the eye. It’s a good idea to scrape the bottoms off on the edge of the bowl as you pull each one out, otherwise you get a lip where it pools on the plate. Set each one on wax paper to cool and set up. Once they’re hard, pull out the toothpick and press a dark chocolate chip (point down) into the hole. To make the veins, I used a toothpick dipped in red food colouring like a pen to draw them on. (Note: These can get pretty smeary so leave plenty of time for them to dry before eating.) And that’s it! Needless to say, they taste delicious. Now I just need to knock out about fifty of these next weekend…

  • iPod Halloween Costumes

    Oh. My. God. Halloween Costumes for Your iPod. As far as I can tell from the FAQ, it’s not a joke either!

  • Sprinkles

    Any of you Americans seen Halloween sprinkles in the shops? I’m looking for cookie and cupcake decorations for the party and they’re impossible to find over here. That Canadian place will ship internationally but $35 seems a bit steep. Can any of you do an emergency run for me? I can reimburse you the cash via PayPal or knit you something if you want…

  • Halloween Invitation

    It’s that time again…

    Halloween Invitation

    E-mail invites have just gone out. If you’re a w-g regular and you’re in Sydney, you’re probably invited so check your Inbox and Spam filters. Thanks to my sister for her e-mail earlier this week which provided the inspiration. I spent a ridiculous amount of time tonight lining up these ridiculous pets. (No, Dr. Amy Jones is not one of them. Although the Snook is trying to acclimatize her to wearing things on her head.) See you at the shindig!

    Hey, “Other Andrew,” you feel like dropping by? I don’t have an e-mail address for you. Nor you, Tia, if you’re reading…)


    Oh my God; I almost wish we had a dog just so I could dress her up as Princess Leia for Halloween. I wonder if the small version would fit our cat…? (Link courtesy of my sister, who already dresses her dog up as Superman.)

  • Disgusting

    Candy Corn Soda??? I wonder if it’s possible to ship a couple cans of this stuff to Australia…