Category: Halloween
Things related to Halloween
Halloween Update: Thanks to the amazing Miss Fee and her mad sewing skillz, my Halloween costume is now completely finished! The Snook’s is finished as well. The invitations have been sent out, and I’m chasing people up for RSVPs. Now we’re just finalizing the menu. OH! AND I GOT A PUMPKIN! A real orange one.…
I stopped in at the David Jones Food Hall this morning to see if they had any Halloween supplies. And there they were! Actual orange pumpkins! I knew they had to be available somewhere, but I’ve never seen them for sale before. I enquired at the greengrocer area. “Are the orange pumpkins for sale, or…
Fun Halloween Decoration: Papercraft Edgar Allan Poe. Edited to add: Two more! Patrick the Pumpkin Patch Prince and La Catrina.
I really, really want to carve an Obama Pumpkin for Halloween!
Awesome Halloween ideas from Martha Stewart: Creepy Snakes, Candy Wreath, Rotten Eggs and Centipedes, Devilish Eggs, Squash Leaf Canapes.
Yum. Grown-up Root Beer Float. We might need to try that one for Halloween.
Halloween Prop Ideas: Witches’ Brew Ingredients.
Mummy Dogs. We are soooo making those for Halloween this year. (Link courtesy of the Snook.)
Another Halloween centerpiece possibility: Wasp Cake.
Giant Kit Kat. Hmm, maybe one of these oversized confections would be a good centerpiece for our Halloween party?